Best Of Mates: Keeper's Love For Her Moose

Moose might be solitary creatures by nature, but one animal has struck up an unlikely friendship with a Norwegian woman.

Anna-Grete Lindvik came across Svea three years ago when she was orphaned at just two days old when her mother was scared off by a dog in the woods.

The young animal managed to find her way to Anna-Grete's nature park - and the pair have been inseparable ever since.

"She means a lot to me. I usually say that she's one of the best things that has ever happened to me. To have a close relationship to a wild animal - she never had a moose mother, but she has me. It's like you feel it in your heart. It's touching."

Anna-Grete thought the young moose wouldn't survive the rough winter alone, so took her into her house where they slept side-by-side by the fireplace.

Now Svea has her own calf who Anna-Grete is also bonding with.

She said many visitors to the nature park do a double-take when they see the unlikely pair taking a stroll through the woods.

"I get different reactions. Most just stand there speechless. You can see their chins dropping down."