
Top searches 2011 - Various

From the latest fashion crazes to cars and celebrities, we are always scouring the Web for something. The capture of Gaddafi and the liberation of Libya was the most searched news story of the year while Yahoo! users were keen to find out where they could purchase their next pair of GHD straighteners. Here is a round-up of some of the top miscellaneous searches of 2011.

Top various searches of 2011

Most searched celebrity couple: Ryan Giggs and Imogen Thomas
Most searched fashion garmentPandora bracelet
Most searched beauty product GHD hair straighteners
Most searched fashion label: Next
Most searched movie:  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Most searched female: Jennifer Aniston
Most searched man: Robert Pattinson
Most searched music festival: Glastonbury
Most searched song:Adele’s Someone Like You
Most searched politician: David Cameron
Most searched political news story: Gaddafi's capture/death
Most search brand: Apple
Most search footballer: Ryan Giggs
Most searched sporting event: Rugby World Cup
Most searched soap star: Helen Flanagan
Most searched soap: EastEnders
Most searched TV star: Holly Willoughby
Most searched mobile phone: iPhone 5
Most searched car: Nissan Qashqai
Most searched car manufacturer: BMW