New '100 per cent vegetarian' restaurant set for Solihull town centre

Application to turn 60 - 62 Station Road into a Crispy Dosa restaurant
-Credit:Google Maps

A vegetarian restaurant chain is set to open in Solihull. The Crispy Dosa Restaurant, which serves South Indian vegetarian food, wants to open a restaurant in the parade off Station Road. The twin unit, covering numbers 60-62, is vacant and applicant Jaya Surya Rajesh has submitted an application to Solihull Council to change its use from retail to a class E restaurant.

Already based in the parade are Thai restaurant Sabai Sabai, Caribbean restaurant Turtle Bay; KFC and Domino’s. The chain has been operating for 25 years and has outlets across the country including in Watford, Windsor, Milton Keynes, Bristol and Leicester.

A planning statement said: “There are several restaurants and hot food takeaway units along the parade and the Premier Inn to the north of the site. The restaurant would sell South Indian cuisine in a restaurant setting with an ancillary element of hot food take away.


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“The Crispy Dosa Restaurant serves South Indian vegetarian food and is 100 per cent vegetarian. The proposal would have an economic benefit in that it would provide new jobs during the construction period and beyond.

“It would support strong, healthy communities by providing nutritious vegetarian food in a restaurant setting where people can meet and eat together and it would bring a vacant premises back into use, benefitting the vibrancy of the parade.” The proposed opening times for the restaurant are 9am to 11pm daily, including bank holidays.

A consultation is underway with a closing date for submissions of February 19. To view the plans and submit a comment search for application PL/2025/00093/PPFL at