15 Hilarious Internet Fails From Last Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Cried A Little Bit

I know, I know. It's so much worse after a long weekend. Unfortunately, Monday has returned as the harbinger of another week. Don't worry; I'm on the case! In the meantime, we have these 15 hilarious internet fails from last week to get us through:

1. This is exactly how I feel when I have to buy food.

Twitter: @AshleyRParker


2. In(terview)ception.

Twitter: @gldivittorio

3. I'm sure she was just in a hurry, that's all.

Twitter: @zzdoublezz


4. Where would you like the turtle Uber to drop you off, sir?

Twitter: @BrownSugarTae

5. The men...they're...actually blue!

Twitter: @Nerdspringbreak

6. I do not think this means what you think it means.

Twitter: @treeandcarter


7. BRB, subscribing to Synth TV+.

Twitter: @mealgrrl

8. The newer the plane, the faster they go.

Twitter: @furryslag

9. Who among us has not printed out an email with our interview questions and held it up on national television?

ESPN / Twitter: @CPowers14


10. This is just to say: I have eaten the hot dogs that were at the wedding.

Twitter: @glizzygoat420

11. Hello, HR? I'm being lunch-shamed.

Twitter: @rats7

12. No one deserves to lose their chocolate glaze.

Twitter: @1800ghostman

13. Has anyone seen the graphic designer?

Twitter: @shitty_witch

14. Just text me when I'm supposed to leave, thanks.

Twitter: @K_A_N_D_E_L

15. And finally, this is not a bad choice for a baby's first word.

Twitter: @daringlucile

If you enjoyed these laughs, go follow the creators! And for more fails, check out our most recent posts:

These 18 Dangerously Hilarious Internet Fails Made Me Laugh So Hard My Side Literally Split

These 19 Internet Fails From Last Week Made Me Laugh So Hard I Shed A Single, Solitary Tear

18 Internet Fails That Will Make You Laugh So Hard You Can Legally Consider It Cardio