18 People Who — Bless Their Hearts — Really Tried To Be Right (But Were In Fact Very Wrong)
It's that time again...time to watch as people ever-so-confidently say something 100% wrong on the internet. It's kind of one of the internet's oldest pastimes!
1.You can do all the math you want, but when you're starting with the wrong numbers...also, I sure HOPE the human population isn't being halved every 82 years!
2.You think chihuahuas just fell out of a coconut tree?!
3.The French word for "qualification" is "qualification," you just have to say it kinda Frenchly.
4.Wow, congratulations to women, who are now apparently impervious to hemorrhage!
5."America wasn't founded in 1776" is a heck of a thing to say.
6.I am very concerned about the implication here that this commenter might believe that either viruses or bacteria — one of the two — is not contagious.
7.They went with the up-sized all-caps and everything.
u/SaneYoungPoot2 / Via reddit.com
8.It is indeed a country, made up of four countries that are very much not sovereign nations.
9.Were they reading the dates the European way?
10.Fun fact: ' does not mean "year."
11.I have searched it up. It would be about 8.3 minutes.
12.Rule of thumb: Never use the word "obviously" on the internet.
13.It would not, in fact, be the first game.
14."A solid group of people" is KILLING me.
15.Do they mean, like, metaphorically detaching?
16.FYI, it is not.
17.Good news: You do not sound like a nerd or rude!
18.I mean, if you ask Aang, it's an element.
H/T to r/confidentlyincorrect