19 Photos That Are Just A Liiiiiiiiiiiiittle Bit Annoying To Look At

Today I learned what "kerning" is: It's the spacing between letters, and when it's even ~slightly~ off, it can completely change a message for the worse. Take these 19 photos as examples, courtesy of r/keming:

1."We are all in this to get her."

Sign on a building reads, "WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER," but there are posts in between "to" "get" and "her"
u/zjqj / Via reddit.com

2.The wig and what now?

Banner reads: "The Wig & Pen is Open For Business" but the "is" is too close to "pen" so it looks like "penis"
u/flopsychops avataru/flopsychops / Via reddit.com

3.The spacing is one thing, but the fact that half the word is on a whole new line? Unforgivable.

Boxes labeled "Chocolate Lover" but the way it's laid out it looks like "ch oco late lover"
u/diuashjdknjhsfg / Via reddit.com

4.This is the steak you get when you're trying to point out a hawk to your friend Tom.

Close-up of raw steaks labeled "Tom A Hawk Steak" next to each other in a display case
u/vanilla_wombat / Via reddit.com

5."Made from Com."

Plastic cup with "This Cup is Made from Corn" written on it but the lettering makes "corn" look like "com"
u/agdtinman / Via reddit.com

6.I don't know what happened here, but I really, really don't like it.

Sign taped to a wooden door reads: "Please use sanitizer before leaving lab thank you!!!" but the spaces in between the letters are all differently sized
u/thewanderbot / Via reddit.com


Image of a blue background with a QR code and the text "bbwjobs.com" but the letters are so close together that it looks like "blowjobs.com"
u/JGrabs / Via reddit.com

8.Okay, be honest, was this one on purpose?

Two cardboard boxes with shipping labels and a red sticker reading, "This Is A Set. DO NOT SEPARATE" but the "sep" is separated from the "arate"
u/AardvarkianStan / Via reddit.com

9.Touch clown! (Please do not actually touch clowns (unless they ask you to.))

Touchdown cake with a football design and the typo "Touch clown" on it, displayed in a grocery store
u/sallylooksfat / Via reddit.com

10.Ah, that old showbiz saying, "The show must goon."

Graffiti-style art installation with the words "THE SHOW MUST GO ON" on a wall, but "go on" has no spaces so it looks like "goon"
u/matches-malone / Via reddit.com

11.Your whole home??

A billboard with a typo advertises Esurance with the text "Cover your home in a click" but spells "click" as "dick"
u/Inevitable-Cellist23 / Via reddit.com

12.I'm assuming the knights call this guy "Marty Red" because of his hair color, but I don't see why they have to stab him about it.

Stained glass depicts two knights standing over and killing a prone figure with a halo, labeled "Martyred" but the glass separates the word into "Marty red"
u/Linthoughts / Via reddit.com

13.Whew, good thing this isn't super important information that people should be able to easily read for safety reasons!

Sign on public transit indicating that the space must be made available for wheelchair users, but there is absolutely no spacing between any of the words
u/mjanicek345 / Via reddit.com

14.But...I didn't order a head...

Sign reads "Pick-up and drop-off a head" with an arrow pointing right, seen through a car window, indicating a humorous typo
u/atguilmette / Via reddit.com

15.LA k e T ahoe is one of my favorite spots in California.

A flyer for the Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe, but the letters are oddly spaced
u/theelephantscafe / Via reddit.com

16.Honestly, if it weren't for the picture, I don't know if I would have gotten this one.

Product display for a razor promising "your bests have ever" instead of "your best shave ever"
u/National-Treat830 / Via reddit.com

17.A classic combo.

A packaged peanut butter and jelly sandwich labeled "PB&J on white" but it reads like "PB & Jon White"
u/zieren2 / Via reddit.com

18.So if I ingest this, I get a chemical bum? That actually kinda makes sense.

Close-up of product label reading "chemical burn hazard" but it looks like "chemical bum hazard"
u/brainz49 / Via reddit.com

19.And finally...don't forget to take a breath!

Restaurant sign for fried potatoes where the last sentence is written with no spaces
u/berfle / Via reddit.com