Here Are 20 Hilarious Tweets About Pets That'll Either Make You Want Another One Or Question Why You Got One

As fur baby parents, we know our children can be a gift, or the reason why we can't have nice things.

Tweet says "my cat trying to get out of the cute little sweater i got him"
A breaking dancing contestant competing at the 2024 Paris Olympics

But I have waaay more fun laughing at ya'll's pet problems than my own, so enjoy 20 hilariously ratchet pet tweets:

1. If the cat can fit in it, it's the cat's bed. These are the rules.

Twitter: @carlbovisnature / Via Twitter: @CarlBovisNature


2. Yeah, but if you smile after stressing your owner out, it doesn't count.

Twitter: @EliMcCann / Via Twitter: @EliMcCann

3. Because what is the context? Because what is the plan?

Twitter: @hausofdecline / Via Twitter: @hausofdecline


4. The cat said, LOL JK thanks for the new blanket!

Twitter: @filmsbylalisa / Via Twitter: @filmsbylalisa

5. Imagine waking up to this art. Make the cat an Etsy immediately!

Twitter: @monyeeart / Via Twitter: @monyeeart


6. Because this is his town now!!!

Twitter: @xanabon / Via Twitter: @xanabon

7. An icon, truly.

Twitter: @clintoris / Via Twitter: @clintoris


Twitter: @ohjuliatweets / Via Twitter: @ohJuliatweets


9. No lie, you had me for three seconds.

Twitter: @eliarieh / Via Twitter: @EliArieh

10. Because no one is allowed peace in places they live in for free.

Twitter: @adamgreattweet / Via Twitter: @adamgreattweet

11. Perhaps you were. Apologize.

Twitter: @Fredward3948576 / Via Twitter: @Fredward3948576

12. So who's really bad here?

Twitter: @local__celeb / Via Twitter: @local__celeb

13. Werk, queen.

Twitter: @sarahroseetter / Via Twitter: @sarahroseetter

14. Unfortunately, I don't see the problem here.

Twitter: @caitlincanahey / Via Twitter: @caitlincanahey

15. Because, what are we eating??

Twitter: @thegymquinn / Via Twitter: @TheGymQuinn

16. It does seem a little harsh, TBH.

Twitter: @HLThompson93 / Via Twitter: @HLThompson93

17. How can we join the bird is the real question?

Twitter: @gabrielledrolet / Via Twitter: @gabrielledrolet

18. What exactly are you stressed about?!

Twitter: @invis4yo / Via Twitter: @invis4yo

19. This doesn't seem like a tough decision, but let us know.

Twitter: @audipenny / Via Twitter: @audipenny

20. And finally, literally, scoot over. Little baby looks so comfortable.

Twitter: @pophiesage / Via Twitter: @pophiesage

Share your adorable pets with us in the comments, we beg!