22 Photos Of People Who Were So Spoiled They Couldn't Even Appreciate Things They Got For Free

1.This person who begged for baby clothes but only if they were brand new:

A request for baby items, such as clothes, toys, diapers, and wipes, for an 18-year-old daughter's expecting a boy, seeking help from friends and moms of boys
u/COVID19Quarantine / Via reddit.com
Text conversation between two unidentified people about work, a pregnancy announcement on Facebook, and sharing clothes for a baby
u/COVID19Quarantine / Via reddit.com
Text conversation about baby clothes. Person 1 says most clothes are for nephew, and they can ask their aunt. Person 2 wants new clothes with tags still on
u/COVID19Quarantine / Via reddit.com

2.This person who complained about a company they got free glasses from:

Customer review for a glasses store describes a negative experience involving frame replacements. Store owner's response details positive services provided and expresses disappointment with the review
u/forthe_loveof_grapes / Via reddit.com
Facebook reviews of an optical store with user feedback about negative experiences and a defensive response from the owner
u/forthe_loveof_grapes / Via reddit.com

3.This person who got mad that the size of the free pup cups got smaller:

Facebook post from Dog Park Community mentioning Puppaccinos for dogs under 30lbs at Starbucks, noting no size downgrade if dog is under 30lbs
u/freakngeek13 / Via reddit.com

4.This person who got a computer for free and demanded to get $300 worth of upgrades for free too:

Text message conversation about upgrading a computer. The first person wants SSD and graphics card upgrades for editing. The second person explains the limitations and offers suggestions
u/C39J / Via reddit.com
Chat between two people about upgrading a free computer with a 32 GB memory and GPU. One person cannot afford the cost and needs it for school
u/C39J / Via reddit.com

5.This person who was looking for a free work space but refused to go to the library:

Reddit post asks if there are coworking spaces in Houston where people can work for free. Comments discuss libraries as an option but mention noise concerns
u/borborygmess / Via reddit.com

6.These people who got upset that their neighbor made guidelines for people coming to use their pool for free:

Text about how people abused a neighborhood pool by bringing kids without asking and feeling entitled to services like lifeguards and sunscreen. A 10-year-old logo is present
u/madammayorislove / Via reddit.com

7.These restaurant customers who complained that the free candy they took wasn't organic:

  u/crazybitchgang / Via reddit.com
u/crazybitchgang / Via reddit.com

8.This person who was upset at the complimentary item they got in their HelloFresh box:

A chopped salad kit and Perrier energy drink with a user expressing disappointment in receiving these items instead of a meal. Commenter questions the complaint
u/darthdoro / Via reddit.com

9.This person who was upset about *how* they could receive free cheesecake:

A person saying they want to just get free cheesecake, not be forced to use DoorDash to get it
u/kingbritton93 / Via reddit.com

10.These moviegoers who were disappointed with the free movie screenings in their community:

A Reddit discussion on r/AskReddit asks, "Do you need a virtual hug? What's wrong?" Users Mercury2 and rusty_panda share their personal struggles
u/4chargers / Via reddit.com

11.This person who left this note in the free library in someone's yard:

The note says "do you think some of these old books should should go to the recycle bin to make room for new books?"
u/freezethawcycle / Via reddit.com

12.This person who was picky about the beverages served at barbecues:

The image has text that reads: "Please don’t invite me to a BBQ if your sodas cheap, I don’t drink dr. Thunder ?."
u/gc144 / Via reddit.com

13.This person who didn't want to travel to pick up free shelves:

Text conversation about item availability. First person asks about the location in Oregon, the second person mentions Maumee Bay State Park, and the first person responds about shelves
u/DirtRich419 / Via reddit.com

14.This person who didn't think a free dishwasher alone was worth the drive:

Text conversation. Gray text: "I saw the free dishwasher you have on craigslist. I live in Smyrna though got anything else to throw in to make it worth my time?" Green text: "I'll tell ya what, I'll knock half off the asking price."
u/nashjoe / Via reddit.com

15.This person who begged online for free baby clothes, but then turned down this offer:

Someone responds to the request by saying they have lots of boys clothes for 9-12 month olds, and the requester refuses because they have a girl
u/aerialpoler / Via reddit.com

16.This person who had very specific roommate requirements while also not planning to pay rent:

This person says housemates must be women, vegan, and accepting of her drum playing; she can't pay rent but makes up for it by cleaning and having a fun vibe
u/Embarrassed-Shine-60 / Via reddit.com

17.This person who needed a car for their wedding and turned down an offer because it didn't look "expensive enough":

Text conversation image: First message offers a BMW M3 to borrow for a wedding, with a picture of the car. Second message declines, seeking higher value
u/weezy_latez / Via reddit.com

18.This person who needed a phone but refused to take a free Android:

A social media post where someone asks for a spare phone for their job. The conversation includes someone offering an Android phone and the original poster declining it rudely
u/anonymous / Via reddit.com

19.These people who were annoyed that the free beer at a BBQ restaurant didn't have more options:

  u/DamnitDogan / Via reddit.com
u/DamnitDogan / Via reddit.com

20.This person who left a negative online review for their church after receiving free food for Thanksgiving:

Someone got a free turkey, but complains they didn't get dessert or coffee and says it ruined Thanksgiving
u/nickfone / Via reddit.com

21.This person who wanted free delivery on what was already a free item:

Someone is giving away a game for free, and a person texts asking if they can sweeten the deal by delivering it to them
u/spiriteh87 / Via reddit.com

22.And finally, this person who didn't want to get on the free flight their friend found for them because it was too early:

Chat exchange between two people discussing flight tickets. One asks to use a ticket for a friend's wedding, but both mostly have non-usable or inconvenient options
u/marqattack / Via reddit.com