36 Holiday Season Fails That Are As Funny As They Are Sad

1.I'm sorry, photos with WHO???

Church sign: "Photos with Satan, Dec 7, 9-11 AM. Coke is free!" Plus service times and contact details

2.This Santa's movements were a *little* NSFW.

Mannequin of Santa Claus in a traditional outfit, with a large white beard and hat, sitting and gesturing with one hand
u/markym_uk / Via reddit.com

3.This also feels sliiiiiightly inappropriate for a 9-year-old.

Advent calendar joke: "What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common? Their balls are just for decoration."
u/Arockilla / Via reddit.com

4.And this ornament should maybeeee have been labeled "for adults only."

Hand holding a sock monkey ornament wearing a knitted hat and scarf labeled "2023." A tag shows material details and "Made in China."
u/JonnySidequest / Via reddit.com

5.What is it with Christmas decor and genitalia???

A sparkling reindeer statue with small bear figures on its back is displayed in a store. A "Fire exit" sign is visible above
u/Sexogenesis / Via reddit.com

6.I feel bad for the family who drove 30 minutes to see this holiday train...[CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]