39 flats, rooftop bar and spa pool plan for old Stoke-on-Trent library and baths

Detailed plans for regenerating three historic Stoke-on-Trent buildings have been revealed. A multi-million pound revamp of Tunstall's former library, swimming pool and drill hall will see the creation of 39 apartments, along with new commercial space, a cafe, a rooftop bar and a spa pool.

The scheme, being undertaken by Tunstall Library Development Ltd, has been allocated £3.5 million from Stoke-on-Trent City Council's Levelling Up Fund allocation. A public consultation is being carried out on the first phase of the project, focusing on the former library building, with the plans set to be submitted for approval later this year.

Tunstall Library Development Ltd, set up by businessman Stanley Yu and Stafford-based Croft Architecture, has published plans and computer generated images of the refurbished buildings as part of the consultation. According to the company's consultation website, the scheme 'will regenerate a historic landmark of Tunstall and revitalise a neglected area', which will bring 'many social and economic benefits to Tunstall within the various commercial and recreational buildings'.

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The proposals for the library, which together with the former baths is a grade II-listed building, include 23 apartments, with mezzanine floors separating the living and bedroom spaces. There would also be a commercial unit and community space at the front of the building on the ground floor.

A landscaped courtyard at the rear of the building will provide outdoor space and bicycle storage for residents.

The old Tunstall Baths, which closed in 2011 as part of council cuts, will be converted into 10 homes under the plans, a mix of one and two-bedroom apartments. The swimming pool hall will be divided in a recreational spa area and a gym/dance studio, which will be for use by residents and the general public.

Much of the frontage facing Scotia Road will be revamped to create an 'attractive and inviting entrance'.

The drill hall, which was last used as Crompo’s Pool and Snooker Centre, will be another mixed-use development, with six flats being created on the first floor. The ground floor will be brought back into use as a sports bar, while a newly-created second floor will be turned into a 'sky bar', where customers will be able to enjoy views towards Tunstall Memorial Gardens.

Members of the public will be able to learn more about the proposals for the library building at two consultation events at Tunstall Town Hall. They will take place on Tuesday, September 3, from 12pm to 4pm, and on Wednesday, September 4, from 4pm to 8pm.

A spokesperson for Tunstall Library Development Ltd said: "We are eager to engage with the local community and hear their thoughts on our exciting development plans. The Victorian Jubilee building is steeped in history having first opened its doors in 1890 and we very much look forward to returning the building to its former glory as a significant part of Tunstall’s community and heritage."

Councillor Finlay Gordon-McCusker, cabinet member for transport, infrastructure and regeneration at the city council, said: "This is an exciting time for Stoke-on-Trent. We have a number of major projects in progress or preparing to start. The redevelopment of this historic building and local landmark for town centre living will be a gamechanger for Tunstall. Please come along to the consultation events to learn more about our plans and the future of Tunstall."

Detailed plans for all three buildings can also be viewed at www.tunstall-library.co.uk