
This 400-Rep CrossFit Cardio Blast Will Seriously Test Your Limits

young man bending forward with exhaustion in gymnasium
400 Rep CrossFit Cardio Blast to Test Your LimitsCorey Jenkins - Getty Images

Listen, we get it. It can be tempting to swerve cardio, and the idea of endlessly plodding along on a jog doesn't fill anyone with excitement. But trainer Keri Hughes has the solution with a spicy cardio session that's sure to fire up your lungs in a short amount of time. Better still, you can do it while staying warm indoors, with zero slogging it out on the road necessary.

You will be completing five rounds of the four exercises below. Hughes recommends carrying out the reps on exercise unbroken. However, you can rest if you need to between exercises (preferably not) and take a one-minute rest between rounds. That ‘will leave you dripping,' he says.

Hang up your running shoes and give this cardio challenge a try.

The Workout

5 rounds, unbroken reps. 1-min rest between rounds. To regress the workout, reduce reps and cals to 10 for each exercise.

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Hearst Owned

Wallball x 20 Reps

Choose a light wall ball that you can comfortably complete the reps with. Begin facing the wall with the ball in front of your chest, held close to your body with both hands. Squat down with your hips behind your heels and chest upright. Power through the legs back to standing and throw the ball 10 feet up on the wall in front of you. As the wall ball travels back down catch it close to your body and travel back down into a squat. It's important that you are the correct distance away from the wall to avoid expending more energy than you need, as a rule of thumb aim for arm's length away from the wall and adjust to suit your needs.

burpee over bench
Hearst Owned

Burpee Over Bench x 20 Reps

Place the wall ball down, but don’t slow down just yet. Step back and hit the deck, lowering your body until your chest touches the floor. Stand back up and jump powerfully over the bench – to really put air between your feet and the bench, drive through your hips when you take off. That’s one rep. Then, drop to the floor and go again.

snatch burpee
Hearst Owned

Snatch Burpee x 20 Reps

Hold one dumbbell on the ground between your legs, squatting down with your thighs parallel to the floor. Drive up through your hips and knees, generating momentum to pull the dumbbell directly overhead in one movement. Lower the dumbbell and squat down, returning the weight to the floor and drop down into a burpee. Roll the dumbbell and repeat the snatch on the other side.

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Hearst Owned

Assault Bike x 20 Cals

Set up on the bike – your back should be straight and the saddle adjusted so you have a slight bend in the knee at the bottom of your cycle. Keep your torso and head up, and control your breathing. Try not to flail around, basically. Push the first few calories as hard as possible, then settle into your pace. The slower you go the longer this will take, but go too hard and you risk blowing out.

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