5 myths about apprenticeships proven wrong in Glasgow
DOES anyone remember that famous Kevin Bridges joke about the 'People Make Glasgow' campaign?
"Wee mental Davie, apprentice joiner, father of six."
Kevin may have had us all laughing, but really the joke was us on Weegies and it highlighted the bad rap apprentices in the city still get to this day.
But this is 2016 and the face of a Glasgow apprentice is changing faster that you can say 'Kev-I-N'.
Glasgow's top employers were out in force at the Scottish Apprenticeship Show this week at the Royal Concert Hall.
Their young Glasgow employees are taking any unfair myths about apprentices and turning them on their heads.
Myth 1. All apprenticeships are hard, manual labour.
Craig Montieth (19) from Kirkintilloch is an apprentice renal technician at Stobhill Hospital.
"There's a lot of pressure to go to uni from parents and teachers," Craig said.
"I have five Highers but didn't fancy going to uni.
"When my guidance teacher showed me a leaflet for the medical technician apprenticeship I jumped at the chance and I haven't looked back.
Myth 2. Apprenticeships are for boys.
Sophie King (right) left school at 16 and on her first day of a travel and tourism college course was offered an interview for the Barrhead Travel apprenticeship.
Four years on, Sophie leads a team of travel consultants at the Oswald Street branch.
"When I had to decide between a college course with student debt and an opportunity to work whilst gaining a qualification it was a 'no brainer' for me.
"I didn't do very well in school but the Barehead Travel scheme focuses on your determination, work ethic and personailty.
"The girls and I (pictured) have gone through all different schemes; from sales to HR."
Myth 3.People who do apprenticeships don't have any school qualifications.
Rebecca Smith (20) and James Millerick (20) are working through different apprenticeships with Barclay's Bank in Glasgow.
Rebecca left school after fourth year to start her Barclay's customer service qualification.
"I couldn't wait to get out of school, starting the scheme has hands down been the best thing I've ever done, I'm earning whilst I'm learning."
James on the other hand stayed right on till sixth year with a view to go to uni to pursue his personal training career but changed his mind last minute.
"Barclay's is an amazing company to work for, I'm working towards my financial advice certificate which is recognised worldwide and the bonus are brilliant."
Myth 4. You'll never earn a decent salary.
23 year-old Andy Lawson (left) has been with Balfour Beattie since he was 18 and is now a fully qualified electrical engineer.
"I could have gone to uni, but I think it's important to explore all the other options out there.
"The starting salary with can be anything around £16,000 which is better than a lot of graduate jobs."
Myth 5. Apprenticeships never lead to read qualifications.
City of Glasgow College's hairdressing students don't come out with an HNC or HND.
"Not only do our apprentice hairdressers finish with a job and college qualification at the end of their few years with us, they also receive an international certificate in hairdressing which is globally recognised," said the college's work-based assesor.
"There is a misconception with 'going to college to do hairdressing' that can be viewed in the wrong light.
"We develop our students both in and out of the salon and send them off with qualifications that will stand them in great stead."
The 2016 Scottish Apprenticeship Show takes place at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow between October 9-11 and at Edinburgh's EICC between October 13-14. Find out more on their official site.