55 more student flats set for approval in Newcastle town centre

The site in Liverpool Road, Newcastle, earmarked for redevelopment
-Credit: (Image: Pete Stonier)

Dozens of new student flats are set to be given the green light in Newcastle town centre. The part five-storey, part three-storey building is earmarked for Liverpool Road, where a children's play centre is currently located.

As well as 55 student flats there would be two commercial units fronting Liverpool Road. The plans have recommended for approval and Newcastle Borough Council 's planning committee is due to make a decision on the application on Tuesday (December 3).

But Steve Wilcox, who owns The Jug on nearby Bridge Street, said: "The Jug has been at that location for at least 300 years and has been known as a live music venue for decades. My concern is that putting a large number of residential flats directly opposite the venue could affect our business which is licensed until 2am, as well as other neighbouring late night venues.

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"Ideally planning would be very careful when granting residential construction in the town centre - due to its nature as a town centre, a busy area day and night. I would like to ensure that planning adds conditions that any construction includes adequate sound proofing measures.

"Unfortunately, before I owned the property, it seems various residential conversions and builds were made without this consideration and as a result has caused new residents who are perhaps not familiar with the town to complain, despite the long standing nature of Newcastle having an active town centre day and night."

Thistleberry Residents' Association said in its response to the council: "This building is destined as part of a suite of buildings to replace the old Sainsbury's supermarket, car park and NBC offices site. An overall, more cohesive plan was conceived but seemingly abandoned; it now appears that this site will be developed piecemeal.

"This site will occupy 10 per cent of the town centre area. It is on the edge of the conservation area and will be five floors plus a roof – much higher than the conservation area buildings.

"This building will set the tone for the rest which we are told are to come. It will duplicate some of the newer, large stark brick, slab-like buildings being built around the town centre – fortress-like - and not particularly welcoming.

"There seems to be little attempt to make this building fit in or establish good design for the town centre, with its historic core. It seems that any coherent plan has been abandoned in favour of a hand-to-mouth approach."

The report to the planning committee said that there was not considered to be any harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area however. It added: "The site is not located in a conservation area, however, Newcastle Town Centre Conservation Area lies adjacent to the south-west.

"The development would comprise five storeys fronting Liverpool Road and three storeys to Bridge Street. Further to concerns from officers regarding a potential ‘canyoning’ effect of the building and the multi-storey car park on the opposite side of Liverpool Road, the fifth storey has been significantly set back from the Liverpool Road frontage so that it has the appearance of four storeys from the road.

"Two commercial units are proposed on Liverpool Road which would be either retail or café use. The development would provide acceptable living conditions for its occupiers and given its highly sustainable location, it is not considered that the lack of parking within the proposal would have any significant adverse impact on highway safety so as to justify a refusal on such grounds."

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