The Aberdeen scientist who became embroiled in bitter rivalry after discovering insulin

John James Rickard Macleod
-Credit:University of Toronto

His Nobel prize award was shrouded in controversy and even a dramatic fallout and a battle of egos but his work has gone on to help those living with diabetes around the world.

John James Rickard Macleod, born 1876, was raised in Clunie in Perthshire, but would soon make his way north to the Granite City to enrol at Aberdeen Grammar.

From there he would join the University of Aberdeen, and with his move into higher education came his first steps towards creating a medicine that would help millions across the globe with diabetes.

Macleod was led by the young professor John Alexander MacWilliam - credited with discovering the heart condition arrhythmia - and would be awarded his medical degree with honours in 1898.


Onto Germany he went to study biochemistry at the University of Leipzig, before returning to take up the role of demonstrator at the London Hospital Medical School in 1902, where he was later appointed a biochemistry lecturer.

A doctorate in public health was also awarded to him by Cambridge University later that year, and he would soon publish his first works on studies into phosphorous content in muscles.

Macleod had not been shy of making moves to enhance his career, and his next stop would take him to the Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where he would spend the next 15 years as a physiology lecturer.

He soon developed an interest in carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes, and from then on in, the Scot's research would soon become life changing for millions.

In 1916 during the First World War, Macleod moved to the University of Toronto where his influential contributions helped pave the way for the development of a six-year medicine course.


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Macleod would then be approached by a man named Frederick Banting, who was a Canadian physician with an idea of how to cure diabetes by using an extract from a pancreas that had seen its functionality disrupted.

The idea did not prompt enthusiasm from Macleod because he had become familiar with unsuccessful experiments of a similar nature, and believed that it would be more likely the nervous system that played the vital role in the regulation of blood glucose concentration.

However, convinced by Banting to lend him laboratory space back in Scotland, Macleod advised on the project which saw animals tested to see if the theory worked.

To his surprised and doubt, Macleod doubted its initial success which led to a bitter falling out between himself and Banting who had taken his concerns to heart before the pair agreed to conduct more tests.


The more experiments they conducted, the more success they would gain, but Banting became wary that Macleod had sought to take the credit.

Pressure soon became unbearable for Banting who crumbled when presenting their findings to the American Physiological Society at Yale, prompting Macleod to step up and finish the presentation, which led to him being described as "desperate to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat."

Insulin is now commonly used by those living with diabetes
Insulin is now commonly used by those living with diabetes -Credit:Getty Images

From Banting's viewpoint, it was a "brazen coup by Macleod to rob him of the credit for having discovered insulin – and to rub salt into the wound, it had been done in front of the most eminent doctors in the field."

The discovery of insulin was published in February 1922, but Macleod declined co-authorship as he felt it was the work of Banting and Charles Best, who had worked alongside the pair.


In 1923, both Macleod and Banting received the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery, but accounts of events from Banting's viewpoint saw the award shrouded in controversy.

Macleod's inclusion was deemed negligible, only for his role in the discovery to be acknowledged decades later as being far greater than first attributed.

Concerns over how to obtain enough pancreas extracts to continue experimenting soon rose, and the trio soon developed alcohol extraction, but the first human clinical trial failed.

Banting felt sidelined after being deemed insufficiently qualified to take part, adding to the bitter feud that left him feeling Macleod's colleagues had been conspiring against him.

But despite strained relationships, the first successful clinical trial was completed on a 13-year-old, and soon the research grew while the feud rumbled on.

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Demonstrations of the treatment grew a mass of public interest as those seemed destined to die viewed the discovery to be a miracle cure, while Banting still felt overlooked.

He and Best refused to attend a meeting of the Association fo American Physicians in Washington, D.C in May 1922 in protest, but Macleod resumed his research in 1923 after mass production of insulin had been taken over by a pharmaceutical company.

The Aberdeen-educated scientist moved on to pastures new, but Banting stayed behind in Toronto and attempted to claim all the deserved credit, with Macleod documenting his side of the story in a report while swerving credit.

Banting's hatred only grew, and when Macleod left Toronto, Banting refused to attend his farewell dinner and the pair would never speak again.

Macleod returned to Aberdeen University in 1928 and remained an active researcher, lecturer and author all while opting not to continue work on insulin.

The new JJR Macleod statue is the first "storytelling statue" of its kind in Scotland
The new JJR Macleod statue is the first "storytelling statue" of its kind in Scotland

He died in 1935 having battled with arthritis for several years, and just six years later Banting too would lose his life in a plane crash, but while the rivalry defined their relationship, insulin would go on to prove vital for millions.

Today, on World Diabetes Day, those living with the condition continue to take insulin to treat type 1 diabetes, while some use it for type 2.

Macleod's legacy is also remembered to this day through a statue in Duthie Park, with the bronze and granite memorial described as the first "storytelling statue" of its kind in Scotland.

Hatred, rivalry and egos boiling over; it failed to stop one of the most vital creations in science history that will go on to play a key role in the lives of millions for decades to come.