Aldridge children’s care home approved despite parking concerns
Permission has been granted for two homes in an Aldridge cul de sec to become a children’s care facility. The proposal was brought before Walsall Council’s planning committee by councillor Wilson over concerns of insufficient parking.
The proposal - submitted by applicant Palminder Singh - was to develop both of the three-bedroom semi-detached properties at 2 and 4 Hilary Drive into one five-bedroom dwelling, housing four children. It included converting the garages into a living space and the creation of two additional parking spaces, meaning a total four parking spaces would be available.
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Five objections were received by local residents about the proposal. Concerns raised included the current overspill of parking from adjoining Station Road - a road which has terraced houses with no off street parking, additional parking during construction which could block the cul de sac, additional parking required for staff at the children’s home, noise concerns over the proposed use and negative impact on properties values on the street.
Under the council’s own policy, residential care homes require one car parking space per three bedrooms. Since the proposal has six bedrooms, the development requires two spaces to meet the standard requirement, but the proposal includes four off-street parking spaces in total.
It was approved unanimously by planning committee members, in line with the planning officers’ recommendation.