Annotated solutions for Prize 29,057
8 manacled M<A/NaCl>ED [sodium chloride (NaCl)]
9 icons musIC ON Stage (hidden)
10 aqua A(thletics)/QUA
11 diligently LID (rev) + I GENTLY
12 tempos sysTEM POSsibly (hidden)
14 trembles TRE<M(aiden)>BLES
15 in limbo 1 + N<LIMB>O
17 Tristan TRANSIT (anag)
20 Sancerre N (new) in ERR in CASE (anag)
22 Caesar C<SEA(anag)>AR
23 Wellington W(ife) + (Duke) ELLINGTON
24 deer cryptic def [does don’t have antlers)
25 Hines (Earl) (s)HINES
26 Franklin FRANK + NIL (rev) [Benjamin]
1 May queen MAY + QUEEN (rock band)
2 Gaga (Lady) GAG/A
3 Gladys G(ood)/LADY’S [Gladys Knight]
4 adulate ADUL(t)/ATE
5 King Lear KIN + REGAL (anag)
6 Count Basie COUNT + BAS<1>E
7 Isolde LIED SO (anag) [Tristan at 17 across]
13 princeling RING PENCIL (anag)
16 baroness BAR/ONE’S/S(on)
18 academic double def
19 rectify RE<C(our)T>IFY
21 Aretha A + HEART (anag) [Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul]
22 Conrad ON CARD (anag)
24 duke double def [fist]