
Arabella Weir: 'Funerals should be like the best parties'

The funniest standup I’ve ever seen ...

Joan Rivers. Boy, she was fearless and funny, just perfect.

The funniest TV show I’ve ever seen …

I’m torn between GameFace and This Way Up. They are both pitch-perfect and portray exactly how I feel as a woman in all the myriad forms we are: daughter, shagger, saint, nutter, boozer, dieter, carer, trying too hard, not trying hard enough, decisive, indecisive.

The funniest item of clothing I’ve ever owned …

A blue, nylon, bell-bottomed trouser sailor suit trimmed with gold, glittering thread in the very early 1970s. I thought it was so trendy but it was truly tragic.

The funniest dream I’ve ever had …

I dreamed that the boyfriend du jour, whom I was planning on chucking, was boiling me alive in order to peel my skin off so he could give it to my little brother. I was screaming in pain and he kept telling me to pipe down. I managed to see through the chucking once I woke up.

The funniest thing that shouldn’t be funny …

Death and funerals, since both are inevitable. Funerals should be like the best parties: masses of booze and food, laughs, tears and the odd fight, if necessary.

The funniest joke I’ve ever heard …

Q: How many mothers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Oh, don’t worry about me, I’ll just sit here in the dark.

Arabella Weir: Does My Mum Loom Big in This? plays London, Saturday 22; Otley, Thursday 27; Selby, Friday 28 February; touring to 24 April