Are you a two-timer or a sex addict? The way you unfold a paperclip reveals your secrets

(Picture Penguin Random House)
(Picture Penguin Random House)

Most of us can’t resist the temptation to fiddle with a paperclip if it’s left on a desk near us – but could we be giving away our innermost secrets?

Swiss psychiatrist Mario Gmür believes that the way people fold up paperclips can reveal rather a lot about themselves – based on observations of his own patients.

Gmür has now compiled his observations into a book, The Paperclip Test – describing people’s paperclip creations as rather like the famous Rorschach inkblot test.

So which paperclip personality do you fit into?

Sex addict

(Picture Penguin Random House)
(Picture Penguin Random House)

‘Passionate and sensuous, you love to be seduced. Leaping elegantly into the arms of temptation, you excel in the art of surrender.

‘Life is a constant honeymoon: you refuse to be troubled by the mundane trials of everyday living. While others battle bureaucracy or society’s expectations, you aren’t thrown off your quest for indulgence.’

The two timer

(Picture Penguin Random House)
(Picture Penguin Random House)

‘You prefer to work with a partner: it means that someone has always got your back and makes you feel stronger.

‘Besides, you would rather not carry the full weight of responsibility – and it suits you to spread confusion about who to blame in case your schemes go wrong.

‘You distract your victims through cunning and sleight of hand, then rob them blind.’

False friend

(Picture Penguin Random House)
(Picture Penguin Random House)

‘You seem honest, open, innocent, somewhat naïve and give the impression of being helpful.

‘You have a gift for unobtrusively observing others: then, in a flash, you have emptied their pockets and made your escape.

‘You are adaptable and adroit and are capable of putting your morally dubious qualities to more public-spirited use. You would make an excellent spy.’

The party goer

(Picture Penguin Random House)
(Picture Penguin Random House)

‘Full of natural exuberance, you skip through life – at times a little too carelessly. You are sociable, energetic and outgoing, and you love a bit of small talk.

You fit in anywhere and with anyone, happy to jump on the bandwagon. Easy-going and generous in your interactions, you meet new people all the time.’

The warrior

(Picture Penguin Random House)
(Picture Penguin Random House)

‘You are a warrior through and through. You take on the most ruthless aggressors and bring them down.

‘Old adversaries will have nothing more to do with you, but you may be a useful friend.’