Asda introduces new self-checkout rules which are 'rather unpleasant'

Asda is introducing a new self-checkout rule. It has been reported some Asda stores - which are rivalled by the likes of Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Aldi and Lidl - are bringing in self-checkout only hours - but in select supermarkets.

An upset customer of Bournemouth's Asda Superstore shared a snap of its 'checkout opening hours' with MailOnline. It showed for the first hour of every day, except Sunday, only self-scanning checkouts would be open.

Then on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday, tills would be closed for the final three hours of the day. One Bournemouth local said the cut-back checkout hours made for an 'unpleasant experience' and they told MailOnline: "For the first hour and the last 2-4 hours of the day, regardless of ones needs, only self service checkouts are available.

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"This combined with their facial recognition cameras makes shopping there a rather unpleasant experience. Fortunately Lidl is nearby." An Asda spokesperson said it was up to the individual store to decide when they opened their checkouts and said that should customers need a hand, they could approach staff.

The spokesperson told MailOnline: "Like other retailers, our stores have the discretion to open or close checkouts at different points of the day depending on how busy the store is. If any customers in Bournemouth would prefer to use a manned checkout during these times they should speak to a colleague who will be happy to help."

Michael Gleeson, chief financial officer, said at the time Asda has found a 'balance (that is) just about right' when it comes to manned and self-service checkouts. He told The Telegraph: "I think we have reached a level of self-checkouts and scan-and-go where we feel that works best for our customers.

"We have invested additional hours in manned checkouts and that's been within the existing physical infrastructure (of the stores). It's not more checkouts, it's more colleagues on checkouts."