'I avoided making memories because of my weight and now think of everything I missed out on'

Sara Brophy shed 3st and 9lbs
-Credit:Slimming World

A County Durham mum who missed making memories with her children due to her weight said "it makes me so sad to this day to think of all the things I missed out on". Sara Brophy felt her body was "getting bigger and bigger", which sending her mental health and self-esteem on a downward spiral.

As a result she would "avoid" activities with her children. The 46-year-old, from Stanley, County Durham, said: "I just felt like I was getting bigger and bigger and it was affecting my mental health and self-esteem so much that I would avoid doing things with my children.

"The kids are 13 and 24 now and not being able to go places and try things with them was getting me down. It makes me so sad to this day to think of all the things I missed out on."


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But in 2024 Sara decided she had to do something about her weight. The mum-of-two added: "I was always trying to lose weight on my own and could manage to get to the stone-and-a-half mark then my commitment and motivation would drop, and I would feel like giving up and it would never happen. The weight piled on again and in some cases a lot more. I was desperate."

Following recommendation from friends, Sara decided to join Slimming World. And now she has lost 3st and 9lbs. She explained how her eating and drinking habits have changed, ditching "drunk Friday", takeaways and convenience foods.

Sara Brophy shed 3st and 9lbs
Sara Brophy shed 3st and 9lbs -Credit:Slimming World

However, she still enjoys her home cooked meals by altering her recipes and can still enjoy the occasional treat. Sara said: "When I look back, my eating and drinking habits were completely out of control.


"My life consisted of takeaways, quick meals you could make and eat quickly, and my alcohol intake was high. Drunk Friday became a thing without me realising it. It's so easy to form destructive habits and not even be aware of it."

She said she's not on a diet and has changed her mindset when it comes to food. She explained that she is never hungry, adding that she still enjoys chocolate and other treats.

Sara said: "Losing weight has given me the confidence to try new things such as using the weights in the gym. I don't feel like I am the biggest one there anymore and my joints don't feel like they will snap when I'm walking."

"My confidence has also changed at home. I have gone from not wanting to have my photo taken to making silly videos with my youngest. I join in with games of Twister and I'm forever playing chasey round the house with my black lab who gets to go on better walks now."

Sara, a volunteer for a company called Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) added: "I deliver strategies to parents to help them make our homes a better place to live in. I help give parents confidence and let them see what a great job they are doing. I would never have done this had it not been for gaining confidence back through weight loss. This really has changed my life."