B12 deficiency strange symptoms which include tingling in feet

Having sore feet or a tingling sensation could mean vitamin B12 deficiency
-Credit: (Image: Reach Publishing Services Limited)

A little known deficiency in the body - but one which can cause horrendous side effects - is a lack of Vitamin B12. People normally get B12 from eating food such as eggs, beef, chicken, and cheese - however people have problems when they don’t absorb it properly in their stomach.

B vitamins are important to aid the recovery of wounds because they help create red blood cells, which are vital for oxygen to flow around the body. It is also involved in nerve health and energy production.

A vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to various symptoms, some of which may contribute to or mimic plantar fasciitis. While vitamin B12 deficiency doesn’t directly cause plantar fasciitis, it can contribute to it in several ways including through weakened tissues. B12 is essential for cell reproduction and repair. A deficiency can weaken tissues, including the plantar fascia, making it more susceptible to inflammation and injury.

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A known cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, peripheral neuropathy can cause burning or tingling in the feet, which can be mistaken for or worsen plantar fasciitis pain. The plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue connecting your heel to your toes, becomes inflamed or develops small tears. This condition typically causes sharp pain in the heel, especially with the first steps in the morning or after periods of rest.

Left untreated, neuropathy can have life-altering effects, so it’s important to tackle symptoms as soon as they appear. According to the Mayo Clinic, a deficiency in B12 can cause complications including pain during activities that “shouldn’t cause pain”.

The health body explains this may include “pain in your feet when putting weight on them or when they’re under a blanket”. Failure to address these warning signs when they emerge could result in an inability to walk as the person becomes unable to balance properly.

B12 deficiency is a known cause of peripheral neuropathy, which affects the peripheral nerves. Neuropathy-induced muscle weakness or altered sensation can change how a person walks, potentially increasing stress on the plantar fascia.

Harvard Medical School has said out that a tingling sensation in the feet could be a sign of a vitamin B12 deficiency. It said: “Vitamin B12 is vital for red blood cell production, which is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body.

“A lack of vitamin B12 will lead to the abnormal development of red blood cells. To illustrate, red blood cells become larger than needed and can’t function properly. As less oxygen is able to reach the extremities of the body, such as the feet, a tingling sensation occurs. Another indication of a vitamin B12 deficiency is slow wound healing on the feet.”

The NHS says B12 deficiency symptoms include:

  • extreme tiredness

  • a lack of energy

  • pins and needles (paraesthesia)

  • a sore and red tongue

  • mouth ulcers

  • muscle weakness

  • disturbed vision

  • psychological problems, which may include depression and confusion

  • problems with memory, understanding and judgement

On when to seek help the NHS says: “See your GP if you think you may have a vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. These conditions can often be diagnosed based on your symptoms and the results of a blood test.

“It’s important for vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible because, although many of the symptoms improve with treatment, some problems caused by the condition can be irreversible.”