Babies remember their birth language - even if they never speak it

Picture Rex
Picture Rex

Babies start to remember and retain language far, far earlier than most parents might imagine – and they remember words long before they speak.

A new study has shown that even if a baby has never spoken, it will remember words from its birth language – retaining details heard in its first month of life.

Dr Jiyoun Choi at Korea’s Hanyang University tested adults who had been adopted as babies from Korea – and who went on to speak Dutch.

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Adults who had never spoken Korean – but had heard it as babies – were more easily able to pronounce Korean syllables, the researchers say.

Dr Choi said, ‘’This finding indicates that useful language knowledge is laid down in [the] very early months of life, which can be retained without further input of the language and revealed via re-learning.

‘Try to talk to your babies as much as possible because they are absorbing and digesting what you are saying.’

The ‘language learning process occurs very early in life, and useful language knowledge is laid down in the very early months of life as our study suggests.’