Balaclava-clad attacker repeatedly punched boy who wouldn't let him use phone

The attack happened on Esk Terrace, in Whitby
-Credit: (Image: Google)

A teenage boy was left with a bloody nose after he was repeatedly punched by a male wearing a balaclava who asked to use his phone.

The attack took place in broad daylight on Esk Terrace, in Whitby, on Thursday June 13. At around 11.30am the 16-year-old victim was approached from behind by the male described as wearing all black clothing, black fingerless gloves and a black balaclava.

North Yorkshire Police said when the teen wouldn't let the suspect use his phone the male launched an attack.

A force spokesperson said: "The suspect asked to use the victim's phone. When he was refused, the suspect punched the victim several times, causing a bloodied nose.

"We are asking for any witnesses to the assault, or anyone with CCTV in the area, to come forward with information - please call North Yorkshire Police on 101 and quote reference number 12240104395."

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