Beefeater restaurant to be demolished as Premier Inn seeks Nottingham hotel extension
A restaurant could be demolished as a major hotel chain seeks to extend one of its Nottingham properties. A three-storey extension could be constructed for the Premier Inn hotel on Castle Bridge Road as plans for the demolition of the Beefeater restaurant have been submitted to Nottingham City Council.
The change would bring 42 additional rooms, resulting in a total of 103 bedrooms. The associated Beefeater restaurant appears to have been permanently closed, although it is unclear when exactly the closure took place.
The venue, which has a 3.8-star rating on Google, was last reviewed four months ago and is not listed on the Beefeater website. The premises would be removed, according to planning documents, and replaced with a guest restaurant to cater guest meals only.
This means the venue would not generate any external trade. The hotel, as well as the restaurant, are both operated by Whitbread according to the proposals.
One of the planning statements reads: "Whilst the proposals would increase the number of guest bedrooms, any additional trips to the site would be offset by the fact that the separate branded restaurant would be removed. This would also compensate for the additional demands for car parking from external visitors that the branded restaurant currently generates above those from hotel guests."
The 99 car parking spaces would be retained as part of the development and access would continue to be afforded from Lawrence Way as normal. Despite minor alterations proposed to the existing site, the layout would remain the same.