These are the best foods to stockpile for an emergency

Whether it's a flood, hurricane or even Brexit, you can never be too prepared when it comes to facing the mother of all disasters.

As the climate change scales tip further and extreme weather causes more disruption; it's likely that many of us will have to resort to learning how to make our meagre rations go further.

But what are the best foods to have handy in an emergency?

Some of the most obvious items are foods that have a long expiry date, like canned and dried foods. Overlooked items like peanut butter, jams or nuts are packed with life-sustaining calories and can last without the need to be refrigerated.

You should try to stock up on enough bottled water to last you up to three to four days. If you have fresh foods consume this first - but if it's exposed to high temperatures for over four hours, then it's time to bin it.

Apart from food it's important to stock up on essential medication before hand if possible.