Birmingham parents taking kids out of school during term time face tougher fines this year
Anyone thinking of booking a term time holiday for their family has been warned that they could face tougher fines. Birmingham City Council has warned parents of new rules which came into place at the start of the new academic year in September 2024.
Penalties have increased from £60 to £80 if paid within 21 days and, if the £80 payment is not received within 21 days, it rises to £160 for a further seven days (this fine was previously £120). And another big change is that if you take your child out three times during a rolling three-year period, you could be prosecuted.
It comes as education bosses have told parents that 'good attendance is essential to support your child in getting the most out of their education.' The new enforcements came in on August 19, 2024 and are in place now.
Read more: The three questions all parents should ask when choosing child’s school according to a headteacher
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Your child's school will refer the case to Birmingham City Council if they are concerned about attendance so it's best to talk to your headteacher before you consider taking your child out of their classes. It comes as parents question rising prices during school holidays. Center Parcs has upped its February half term price for Woburn Forest by £1,000 compared to the week before.
Birmingham headteacher Adam Ames has shared the three questions all parents should ask when choosing their child on the Brummie Mummies Podcast here:
A spokesman for Birmingham City Council said: "Failure to ensure children attend school regularly is a criminal offence.
"A penalty notice gives you the opportunity to discharge the offence without going to court and receiving a criminal record if found guilty. If more than one child has an unauthorised absence, you may be required to pay a penalty notice for each child.
"If the £80 payment is not received within 21 days, it rises to £160 for a further 7 days. Reminders to pay are not sent. The National Penalty Notice Framework states that if this is the second time in 3 years you have been issued with a penalty notice, the discount of £80 will not be available to you and you must pay £160 within 28 days.
If payment is still not received, the local authority will withdraw the penalty notice and a case will be prepared for court for the original offence under Section 444 (1) of the 1996 Education Act. For a second offence within a three-year period the discount does not apply and the cost is £160. A third offence may mean the case is referred directly to court."