Blackburn Subway shop refurb deal is last stage of historic Blakey Moor Terrace revamp

An aerial view of the almost completed Blakey Moor Terrace building
-Credit: (Image: LDRS)

The final contract for the renovation of Blackburn’s historic Blakey Moor Terrace building has been awarded. Ramsgreave-based Forrest Joinery and Construction have won the £300,000 plus work to refurbish the former Subway premises at numbers 3 to 7.

The cash has been found from Blackburn with Darwen Council’s £20million Levelling Up Partnership grant from the government for other borough upgrade works including King George’s Hall, Imperial Mill, The Cotton Exchange and Tony’s Empress Ballroom.

The main works for the rest of Blakey Moor Terrace (numbers 11 to 27) are now virtually complete with the authority now seeking tenants for its flagship restaurant space. These were paid for from the National Lottery-funded Blakey Moor Townscape Heritage project.

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A report by the council’s strategic director of growth and development Martin Kelly approves ‘a waiver of Procurement Rules to allow the refurbishment of 3-7 Blakey Moor to be undertaken by Forrest Joinery as a variation to their existing contract for Blakey Moor Terrace (11-27)’.

It says: “The reason is that there are urgent works needed to prevent further damage to the buildings condition; need to deliver the scheme quickly to meet tight funding expenditure profile; logistics and practicalities of retaining one contractor on the site to work on and complete two inter-connected developments simultaneously; and efficiencies and cost savings from retaining the same contractor on the site.

“Blakey Moor Terrace is the priority project delivered by the Townscape Heritage Project. Blackburn-based Forrest Joinery and Construction were awarded the contract for its restoration and redevelopment in 2021 after an open tender process.

“Numbers 3-7 Blakey Moor were included within the site boundary of the original contract to facilitate access and safe site management. The refurbishment of 3-7 Blakey Moor formed part of the aspiration for the Townscape Heritage Project and new Cultural Quarter, but was not included in the contract as sufficient funds were not available at the time.

“The property was included in the £20m Levelling Up Partnership funding bid with most of the expenditure to be made in this financial year. Adding the work as a variation to the existing contract would provide logistical benefits, cost efficiencies, and facilitate the shorter delivery programme need.

“Forrest have proved themselves to be an extremely competent, reliable and flexible contractor, producing excellent work at Blakey Moor Terrace. Forrest have agreed to work to the rates set within the existing contract.

“To meet deadlines, works to 3-7 Blakey Moor will need to start on site before works at Blakey Moor Terrace are completed. It would be extremely difficult split the site to facilitate two contractors.”

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