Bold Bunnies Attacking Cars At Denver Airport

Bold Bunnies Attacking Cars At Denver Airport

Bunnies have been wreaking havoc on cars parked at Denver International Airport - eating spark plug cables and other wiring.

The furry creatures have already caused thousands of dollars in damage as wildlife officials work to solve the problem.

"I see at least dozens every morning," airport shuttle driver Michelle Anderson told KCNC-TV. "They go hide under the cars and the cars are warm."

A spokesperson from an automotive service centre said the rabbits are chewing on the insulator section of the vehicles' ignition cables, which can lead to hefty repair bills.

The station reported that wildlife workers are removing at least 100 bunnies a month while parking companies build better fences and perches for predator hawks and eagles.

Local mechanics have offered a more unorthodox solution for worried car owners.

They say coating the wires with fox urine - available at hunting shops - will deter the creatures.