Booming milkshake parlour and farm shop wants bigger picnic area

A booming milkshake parlour and farm shop wants a bigger picnic area. Caverswall Creamery opened at David Moseley's dairy farm, on Roughcote Lane, in Caverswall, two years ago.

Now the outdoor seating area will be expanded if Staffordshire Moorlands District Council gives permission for the proposed scheme. It follows previous planning permission for a former agricultural building to be converted into a farm shop on the land.

The venue would still be open from 8am to 8pm every day and there would still be only one mobile food vendor visit between 4pm and 8pm each week.

A planning statement submitted as part of the application states: "The existing picnic area is located to the northeast of the farm shop, and northwest of the parking area. This application proposes to enlarge that external seating area. The objective is to provide additional space for customers to sit and enjoy the produce purchased from the farm shop. No changes are proposed to the hours; nor in terms of the number of visits by mobile food vendors."

Here are latest planning applications published by Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Newcastle Borough Council, and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council:

Stoke-on-Trent City Council

71304/FUL: Two storey side extension including render finish at 47 Little Cliffe Road, Fenton, ST3 2DW

71296/FUL: Two storey and single storey side and rear extensions at 75 Elm Street, Cobridge, ST6 2HL

71289/FUL: Single storey outbuilding to rear garden at 12 Andover Close, Longton, ST3 5RA

71276/OUT: Residential development and associated access and car parking together with demolition of existing residential dwelling (outline) at The Bungalow, Grange Road, Meir, ST3 7BH

71256/TPO: Crown reduction to one lime tree to acheive 25m height and 15m spread (Tree Preservation Order 74 T1) at Lime Tree Cottage, 4 Longton Road, Trentham, ST4 8NA

71236/FUL: Erection of two storey side and rear extension at 45 The Lea, Trentham, ST4 8DY

71230/FUL: Replacement of existing rear window with new timber full glazed window at 18-20 The Strand, Longton, ST3 2JH

71210/FUL: Change of use of residential dwelling (Use Class C3) to residential care home for children including educational provision (sui generis) at 114 Milton Road, Sneyd Green, ST1 6HD

71188/FUL: Erection of 193 dwellings, new open space, sustainable drainage, landscaping and associated works at former Edensor High School, Edensor Road, Longton, ST3 2NA

71117/FUL: Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and loft conversion to contain rear facing dormer at 7 Mercia Crescent, Cobridge, ST6 3JB

Newcastle Borough Council

24/00643/PLD: Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development - Demolition of existing conservatory with replacement rear extension with matching eaves and ridge height and materials to match existing at 40 Lynn Avenue, Talke, ST7 1PA

24/00478/CN12: Application for the approval of Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement as required by condition 12 of planning permission 24/00478/DEEM3 for retrospective application for the erection of sports pavilion at The Wammy, Lower Milehouse Lane, Newcastle, ST5 9AN

24/00478/CN13: Application for the approval of Arboricultural Method Statement as required by condition 13 of planning permission

24/00478/DEEM3 for retrospective application for the erection of sports pavilion at The Wammy, Lower Milehouse Lane, Newcastle, ST5 9AN

24/00478/CN14: Application for the approval of Landscaping Plan as required by condition 14 of planning permission 24/00478/DEEM3 for retrospective application for the erection of sports pavilion at The Wammy, Lower Milehouse Lane, Newcastle, ST5 9AN

24/00637/TCA: Tree A (Beech) - Crown Reduction - up to and not exceeding 20% of overall height or spread at 22 Nantwich Road, Audley, ST7 8DH

24/00635/FUL: Side extension at 43 Ridgmont Road, Newcastle, ST5 3LD

24/00641/PLD: Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development - proposed residential annexe unit at Lymes Farm House, Lymes Road, Butterton, ST5 4DR

24/00617/FUL: Change of use to general industrial (Class B2) and storage and distribution (Class B8) uses at Units 1 and 2 Brick Kiln Lane, Chesterton, ST5 7AS

24/00612/REM: Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access of the agricultural workers dwelling pursuant to outline planning application 22/00789/OUT at Manor Farm, High Street, Newchapel, ST7 4PT

24/00602/FUL: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of four storey live/work unit at 7 Pepper Street, Newcastle, ST5 1PR

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council

DET/2024/0035: Application to determine if prior approval is required for erection of agricultural storage building at Ball Green Farm, Gorsey Bank, Ball Green, ST6 8AR

DET/2024/0034: Application to determine if prior approval is required for formation of hardstanding at Ball Green Farm, Gorsey Bank, Ball Green, ST6 8AR

DET/2024/0033: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of buildings on agricultural units and former agricultural buildings to one dwellinghouse (Class C3), which may include extension of the building and/or building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion at Weatherworth Manor Farm, Cooks Lane, Bradnop, ST13 7HA

SMD/2023/0268: Proposed conversion of farm building to form holiday accommodation and the creation of a menage ring at Tittesworth Farm, Buxton Road, Blackshaw Moor, ST13 8TH

SMD/2024/0389: Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed replacement conservatory with extension to lounge area and new utility area at 52 Nab Hill Avenue, Leek, ST13 8EE

SMD/2024/0386: Application for a Variation of Condition 3 in relation to application SMD/1979/1273 (site for farm workers dwelling) at Wills Croft, Abbey Green Road, Leek, ST13 8SA

SMD/2024/0388: Application for a Variation of Condition 17 in relation to application SMD/2024/0147 (change of use from retail to mixed use of retail and cafe) at Springfields Farm, Hulme Lane, Werrington, ST3 5BH

SMD/2024/0384: Replacement porch to former 'utilitarian entrance' on side elevation of existing dwelling and flat roof dormer to existing garage at Westerdale, Birchall Lane, Leek, ST13 5RA

SMD/2024/0385: Change of use of land to enlarge external seating area associated with existing farm shop at Caverswall Creamery, B Holding, Roughcote Lane, Caverswall, ST11 9ES

DOC/2024/0068: Discharge of Conditions 4, 8 and 12 in relation to application SMD/2023/0496 (construction of nine extra care units, communal lounge/office and associated works) at The Old Bowling Green, Leek Road, Cellarhead, ST9 0JQ

HNT/2024/0006: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed single storey rear extension extending 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling, maximum height 4m and 2.1m to height of eaves at Highfield House, Bagnall Road, Bagnall, ST9 9JY

SMD/2024/0383: Proposed two storey rear house extension at 146 Leek Road, Cheadle, ST10 1JL

SMD/2024/0327: Application for consent to display an advertisement - five freestanding signs comprising one stack sign and streamer panel four flag signs on land off Tenford Lane, Tean.

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