Bristol council tax to rise by five per cent for fifth year running

A close up of a United Kingdom local authority council tax bill with bank notes

Residents in Bristol face a 4.99 per cent hike in council tax for the fifth successive year. The city council’s annual budget includes the maximum increase in bills allowed by the government without a local referendum.

It means a rise of £81.32 for a Band B household, which comprise the largest proportion of homes in Bristol, and £104.57 for a Band D family. Bristol City Council put out options between zero and 15 per cent increases during public consultation at the end of last year, expecting the government to allow much bigger increases than in recent years, but it kept the limits the same.

While most of the 6,800 respondents put a rise of nil as their preference, a surprisingly high number of people wanted bills to go up to the top figure. The consultation asked residents for their views on a core council tax rise from nought to 10 per cent and a ring-fenced amount for social care between zero and five per cent, topping out at 15 per cent with the top two options combined.


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For the main council tax element, to pay for the authority’s general services, 34 per cent said they wanted no increase, followed by 16 per cent who agreed with a three per cent rise – the same as the last five years on top of two per cent for social care. But 15 per cent preferred a bigger five per cent hike, while 10 per cent – the fourth highest response – were in favour of an inflation-busting 10 per cent rise in bills.

For the social care charge, a freeze in the amount received 36 per cent of support, while 21 per cent were happy to go again with a two per cent increase. But the third highest answer was for the maximum five per cent, with 17 per cent of people saying they would be willing to pay this.

Table of figures showing council tax increases
Proposed Bristol council tax rises for 2025/26 -Credit:Bristol City Council

In all, more than half of residents backed options to increase both council tax and the social care precept by the government’s current limits of a total of five per cent. If the proposals are approved by the strategy and resources committee on Monday, February 3, followed by full council on February 25, these are the annual increases per band:


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Band A – up £69.72 to £1,466.80

Band B – up £81.32 to £1,711.30

Band C – up £92.95 to £1,955.70

Band D – up £104.57 to £2,200.20

Band E – up £127.82 to £2,689.20

Band F – up £151.04 to £3,178.10

Band G – up £174.28 to £3,667.10

Band H – up £209.14 to £4,400.50

The totals are just Bristol City Council’s part of the council tax, comprising by far the main proportion. The rest is charged by Avon & Somerset Police and Avon Fire Authority for their services, which are yet to decide their precepts.