Britain is suffering another major brain drain

Blower Cartoon - Rachel Reeves sledge
Blower Cartoon - Rachel Reeves sledge

The definition of a zombie is variable. One says “a person who is or appears lifeless, apathetic or completely unresponsive to their surroundings”. Another much more interesting version is “a cocktail consisting of of several kinds rum, liqueur, and fruit juice” .

If only the British economy was a spicy cocktail that energised us all. Instead, with regret, it resembles the former lifeless definition. A sense of rigour mortis is approaching, with the odd kick here and there. Normally in these situations, there is a degree of urgency by the medical team in charge, rushing around, putting the patient on life support. Taking urgent action that we know will save the person, then carrying out the surgery and therapy to restore full health.

Instead amongst many in the political and establishment class there is an extraordinary sense of complacency. Warm forecasts from global institutions like the IMF that all should be fine, merely increase this comfort level, despite being way below the OBR’s own 2 per cent growth prediction for 2025 last October.

Let’s remind ourselves where we used to be and should be. In the 1980s and 90s, our economy grew at between 2.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent almost every year. As there was barely any net immigration to speak of, we were getting richer per person by a similar amount every year.


Fast forward to the last two years. The economy has flat lined, with total growth of some 0.5 per cent gross, say 0.25 per cent per year. The economy is smaller than it was three, six and eight months ago, falling in five of the last eight months. Mass net immigration of some 1.6 million more people over two years, that we were promised would be good for us all, means that we have in become a lot poorer per person. No wonder people are finding it hard to stay afloat. This per person multi year decline has never happened before in my working lifetime.

Labour were elected by promising to restore growth. But instead of using tried and tested surgical techniques, they have doubled down on a known failed prescription of much higher taxes, much more government spending, more regulations and then added for good measure huge population increase and a new drug called Net Zero. We know this does not work of course because the Tories have tried this for a number of years and we have gone nowhere.

In desperation the Chancellor today announced some vague long term rehash of previous Tory plans for a third runway at Heathrow, when London already has seven runways. In addition more expansion of the riches of Oxford to Cambridge; effectively writing off the North.

This will make zero difference any time soon to anyone. The debt markets are flexing their muscles as they smell the first sign of blood. Firms are cutting back hiring and investment plans. The last month’s GDP data for November disappointed expectations, at just 0.1 per cent growth. Then retail sales in December shocked many by falling 0.3 per cent compared with hoped for 0.5 per cent growth. Many smart people who take risk, employ people and invest their own cash in growing a business are leaving the country. Young professionals including great teachers are going abroad.

A major brain drain is occurring, and risks being replaced with a lower skilled mass of people who often will not speak the language, are less likely to be employed and are not part of the same cultural team. Be under no illusion. This will not end well. The lack of awareness is shocking amongst the governing class who have never been in business, never experienced the pain of a company going bust and so do not know how quickly this will turn downwards


But decades of success in business means that the Reform senior team knows the right corporate medicine to use and surgical cuts to make, in order to save the patient.

Bloated public sector waste must go, everyone must get stuck in, with suitable incentives being put in place to encourage hard work and entrepreneurial risk taking. Net immigration must be frozen and Net Zero scrapped. Bills will fall, the cost of living will reduce and growth will power forwards. This prescription will ensure the zombie comes alive, just like that effervescent cocktail. We will all want to be at that party.