British Gas customers can cut their bills in half for using electricity at this exact time

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Millions of British Gas customers could cut their bills in half by using electricity on a particular day and time. It's part of a discount offer from the energy giant for residents who agree to do household tasks at certain times.

Customers can get their electricity for half price between 11am and 4pm on Sundays. This is traditionally one of the quietest periods of the week when there is less demand on the grid.

British Gas wants as many households as possible to use electricity at this time to ease pressure on the system. And the company willing to pay customers to do it. They need to sign up to its PeakSavers scheme in order to benefit.


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People able to carry out some key tasks during this time, such as washing or batch cooking, could find themselves making big savings on their energy bills. British Gas explained: "We’re running one every Sunday with half-price electricity from 11am to 4pm for our world-class PeakSavers.

"Demand for energy is typically lower on Sundays. So this is the perfect time for PeakSavers to make the most of half-price electricity and help make better use of cleaner, greener energy by moving your electricity use to off-peak times.

"And whatever tariff you’re on, you can take part. As a PeakSaver, you can enjoy a half-price electricity event every Sunday. Use as much electricity as you need from 11am to 4pm - it’s all half price."


They added: "To save money with PeakSave Sundays you’ll need to: be a British Gas customer, have a smart meter electricity meter, join PeakSave. Already a PeakSaver? Then you’re all set.

"If not, register for PeakSave and we’ll let you know when everything’s up and running. Your smart meter will tell us how much you used, and we'll work out your credit."