British Gas customers can get huge £1,700 bonus to clear energy bill debt
The UK has been warned that the energy price cap will rise in October to an average annual price of £1,717. Ofgem has said that the rise was due to higher wholesale gas prices.
These changes are sure to plunge some people into fuel poverty with many already there because of the rise in prices which has been going on over the past few years. However now, for British Gas customers, there may be a lifeline for those who are struggling to pay the debt.
The British Gas Energy Trust has a range of grants open for customers to apply to so that they can get some assistance paying off their backlog of energy bill debt during the cost of living crisis. The first grant and the one that is currently open is The Individual and Families Fund. This fund can help pre-payment meter customers that have between £50 and £1,700 of energy debt, and credit customers that have between £250 and £1,700 of energy debt.
READ MORE: New energy bill calculator shows how much you'll pay with new Ofgem price cap
The grant is currently open for pre-payment meter customers only but will open on Monday, September 2, for credit customers at 9am. If you successfully apply for this grant, your energy account will be credited with the grant amount.
To apply, you need to have not received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust within the last 2 years and the account you want to clear the debt from must be in your name.
The fund is available to British Gas and non-British Gas customers however several suppliers have their own energy debt help grants so ask that anyone who is part of Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, Boost, SSE and Octopus to apply for their own direct schemes.
There is also the British Gas Energy Support Fund that is currently closed. This is open to British Gas credit or pre-payment meter customers living in England, Scotland, or Wales who have an electric and/or gas debt between £250 and £2,000.
Before being able to apply for any of the grants you must have received help from a money advice agency. For the Individual and Families Fund, this help must have been within the last six months.
You can read more and apply on the Britsh Gas Energy Trust website here.
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