Business hub approved for Darwen factory site
A new planning permission for a job creating hub has been secured for the lorry park of a Darwen factory. The proposed employment building at the town’s Sough Works in Sought Road replaces a previous approval for 10 starter units on the 1.4 acre site.
It will create 30 full-time and 15 part-time jobs. Blackburn with Darwen Council has granted planning permission with 19 conditions for the development of the 24/7 business hub by Gnosall Estates Limited of Prestwich.
A report by planning officer Tom Wiggans said: “This 0.46 hectare application site lies on the west side of Sough Road, within the urban boundary of Darwen, and is accessed directly from Sough Road. The present use of the site is employment land used for storage, but planning permission has previously been secured, in 2022, for 10 industrial starter units.
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“The immediate area is defined by its commercial/industrial character. The wider area is mixed use, with other commercial uses and residential dwellings within walking distance.
“This application seeks to create a single-storey building with central ridge roof to provide a net internal storage and distribution floorspace of 609 square metres employing circa 30 full-time and 15 part-time staff. The new building would be positioned towards the front (east) side of the site, parallel to the highway.
“The staff and customer car park would be at the northern end of the site, and the delivery entrance would be at the southern end of the site, and the yard would located at the rear (west) end of the site, behind the proposed new building. There would be 27 parking spaces, including two disability spaces; 10 cycling spaces, and three motorcycle spaces.
“The proposal would bring with it environmental and economic benefits. This proposal would maintain the existing employment use, and would involve the effective re-use of the land.
“The proposed building is intended to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The majority of activity would be concentrated within the typical daytime working hours but there would be infrequent evening and nighttime deliveries to and from the site.
“The proposed new building, whilst predominantly comprising grey cladding, with some red cladding to add visual interest, would be an improvement on the present situation. The removal of the open wagon storage from the street scene is considered to be of notable benefit, and the proposal would provide a visual uplift to the immediate area.”