The 'caring and supporting' Carlton school where parents say their kids thrive
A Nottinghamshire school is celebrating after being awarded its first ever 'outstanding' rating in an Ofsted inspection category. The Carlton Junior Academy was visited by inspectors in November who found a "caring and supportive" school where pupils "learn and achieve well".
It was the first inspection since Ofsted revised its single-word judgements - but the standard of provision is still assessed against four core categories. The school, which is part of the Redhill Academy Trust, is said to provide ‘outstanding’ personal development for its pupils, while the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, and leadership and management are all deemed to be ‘good’.
The report reads: “The Carlton Junior Academy is a caring and supportive school. Pupils enjoy learning here. They feel safe and know they have many staff they can talk to if they have any worries.”
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Sharon Wood, executive headteacher, said: “I am very proud of our children and all they achieve at Carlton Juniors. Our whole team go the extra mile each and every day, to ensure every child achieves their very best both academically and personally. Staff proved this by showcasing our school to Ofsted inspectors, even during the challenges that November's snowfall brought us.”
During the inspection, the team visited lessons, looked at pupils’ work and spoke to a wide range of stakeholders including pupils, parents, teachers, leaders and governors. They concluded: “Many parents say that their children thrive at this school. The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils achieve well across a wide range of subjects.”
The report adds: “The school teaches pupils how to be safe online and in the community. Pupils know about healthy lifestyles and relationships. Pupils have a secure understanding of different religions and cultures. Pupils have many meaningful opportunities to develop their understanding of fundamental British values and equality."
Pupils’ behaviour and respectful attitudes were also recognised, and the school’s core values (responsibility, respect, relationships, excellence, and determination) attracted praise for helping pupils understand what is expected of them. Inspectors observed: “Pupils behave well in lessons, at playtime, and at lunchtime,” adding: “They show respect to each other and to the staff.”
The report continues: “The school has established clear routines that pupils understand and follow. Most pupils have highly positive attitudes to learning.” On teaching and the curriculum, Ofsted said the school had designed an ‘ambitious curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge that pupils should learn and when,’ which supports teachers in delivering the curriculum well.