Cat Looks Dazed and Confused After Bogarting Catnip Tea

A cat who tried catnip tea for the first time in Olathe, Kansas, has gone viral, after the psychoactive beverage left him “unable to close his mouth the rest of the night,” video uploaded on February 23 shows.

Footage recorded and shared by Tim Ridgway, which has been viewed over 14 million times, shows his feline named Winston curiously inspecting and drinking from a glass of catnip tea, seemingly hoarding the drink as he paws away Ridgway’s other cat, named Spooky.

“We wanted to see how our cats would react to it because we had seen the trend before,” Ridgway told Storyful.

Ridgway wrote in a caption over the video that after two hours, Winston was “unable to close his mouth the rest of the night.”

“Our cat Winston was definitely feeling it!” Ridgway said.

The Nevada Humane Society shared benefits of catnip tea, saying that catnip is “known to have a calming effect for those cats that might be a little more stressed or anxious,” adding that it is also “fine for people to drink and has actually been known to have calming effects on the body.” Credit: Tim Ridgway via Storyful