Catalogue Of Drugs Found In Jackson's Body

Catalogue Of Drugs Found In Jackson's Body

The trial of Conrad Murray over the death of Michael Jackson focuses on a lethal dose of the drug propofol, but a number of other substances were also found in the singer's body.

Propofol (Diprivan):

Propofol is a fast-acting drug that reduces anxiety and tension, and promotes relaxation and sleep or loss of consciousness. It is also very quick to wear off.

It provides loss of awareness for short medical tests and surgical procedures, sleep at the beginning of surgery, and can be used alongside other types of general anaesthetics.

Propofol is injected into a vein and ideally should be given by trained anaesthesia professionals in a controlled environment.

Other drugs such as diazepam may interfere with the effects of propofol if both are taken simulaneously.

Side-effects of propofol can include respiratory depression. Propofol should only be administered in controlled settings in which ventilation support and machines for monitoring are available.

It has been referred to as "milk of amnesia" due to its white liquid appearance and potency. Jackson called it his "milk".

Although propofol is not addictive, patients can come to rely on its effects if they are experiencing prolonged sleeping problems.

Lorazepam (Ativan):

This drug is used for treating anxiety and is in the same benzodiazepines group as diazepam (Valium). It is also effective for insomnia and panic attacks.

The usual dose for treating anxiety is 2-3 mg/day given in two or three divided doses. Insomnia is treated with 2-4 mg given at bedtime.

Michael Jackson had taken eight 2mg tablets on the day he died.

The most common side-effects associated with lorazepam are sedation (15.9% of patients), dizziness (6.9% of patients), weakness, and unsteadiness.

Other side-effects include a feeling of depression, loss of orientation, headache and sleep disturbance.

Like all benzodiazepines, lorazepam can cause physical dependence.

Diazepam (Valium):

Diazepam is a drug taken in tablet form for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

The most frequent side-effects of diazepam are drowsiness, fatigue, and loss of balance.

Rarely, diazepam causes a paradoxical reaction with excitability, muscle spasm, lack of sleep and bouts of rage.

Confusion, depression, speech problems, and double vision are also rare side-effects.

Diazepam can lead to addiction, especially when higher dosages are used over prolonged periods of time.


Ephedrine is a stimulant that speeds up the heart and nervous system.

It increases alertness, but too much can lead to anxiety.

Synthetic ephedrine is found in medicines for the common cold but it can also be turned into crystal meth.

Ephedrine raises heart rate and blood pressure. Long-term use can lead to heart attacks and strokes in healthy people. Taking it is highly risky for anyone who has heart problems.

Midazolam (Versed):

This drug is usually injected and is used before operations or procedures to increase sleepiness and decrease your memory of the event.

Rapid intravenous (IV) use of midazolam can cause severe breathing problems which could cause brain damage or be fatal if left untreated.

Therefore, when using this medication IV it must be used only under close medical supervision.

In high doses it can cause heart attacks.


This is a local anaesthetic and is sometimes used to treat skin inflammations.

It is used by dentists to anaesthetise patients' gums.

Michael Jackson had a dose of propofol diluted with lidocaine on the day of his death.

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