Chelsea Handler went wine tasting with her dog

Chelsea Handler went wine tasting with her dog credit:Bang Showbiz
Chelsea Handler went wine tasting with her dog credit:Bang Showbiz

Chelsea Handler went wine tasting with her dog.

The 49-year-old comedienne just got a new canine companion whom she has named Doug and joked that the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" after their trip to a vineyard.

She told USA Today: "I just got a new dog, and we went wine tasting up in Napa. He's a Chow Chow named Doug, and I've had Chows (before) and they're not very social; they don't play fetch. But he has all of (those traits) in one dog. And it's impossible not to notice his good looks. I don't want to objectify him, but he is so handsome.

"I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! But we went out for oysters and went horseback riding.


"You can decide what you want to believe. I mean, after enough wine and oysters, anything can happen."

Meanwhile, the Netflix star has ruled out discussing politics in her shows as Donald Trump and Kamala Harris battle it out to become president.

She said: "I heard a great quote recently: 'Decades can go by without any progress happening, and then within weeks it can feel like decades of progress.’

"I won't touch politics in my shows. My show is for people to enjoy themselves. They're coming to see my stand-up act to take a load off."