If You Do Choose to Breastfeed, These Are 13 Benefits to Know About

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Photo credit: Maskot - Getty Images

From Women's Health

First off: breastfeeding is not for everyone. From issues with insufficient glandular tissue (IGT) meaning that you physically don't produce enough milk, to experiencing way too much agony to make it viable, there are reasons why you might not be going down this path.

If you, do, however, want to know about the benefits of breastfeeding, then it's true that they are plentiful. It's also true that the Royal College of Midwives and the World Health Organisation (WHO), recommend nursing. A statement from the former says that: 'Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life is the most appropriate method of infant feeding.’

‘Breastmilk is unique because it constantly changes to meet your baby’s needs,' says NCT breastfeeding counsellor, Jane Moffett. (FYI: The NCT has information for all mums, however they decide to feed their babies – be it by breast, bottle or a combination of both. Visit nct.org.uk or contact the free support line on 0300 330 0700. )

'It is responsive to changes in the baby’s development, feeding behaviours, the mother’s diet and also bacteria and viruses in the environment. For example, if mum is ill, her breastmilk will contain immune cells to help baby fight off the bug whilst in the evening, breastmilk contains more components that relax and aid babies’ sleep.’

Like we said. It's not something that works for us all: and it is by no means the only way to spend quality time with your little one.

‘Breastfeeding is a lovely way to feel close to your baby, but you can also bond while bottle feeding as you can still hold your baby close and look into their eyes,’ says Moffett. ‘Any skin-to-skin cuddles from both mums and dads help with bonding and allow baby to hear your heartbeat and to learn your smell which will comfort them.

Want to get dosed up on the myriad benefits that it can bring, however? Then scroll on.

13 Benefits of Breastfeeding

For Baby

1. Breastfeeding can reduce your baby’s risk of infection

This is a biggy. Multiple studies have identified connections between breastfed babies and a reduced risk of:

  • Colds and infections

  • Gut infections

  • Middle ear infections

  • Asthma

  • Diarrhoea

  • Childhood leukaemia

  • Sudden Instant Death Syndrome

  • Allergies

  • Eczema

  • Celiac disease

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Diabetes

2. Breastfeeding provides your baby with all the nutrition they need

It’s commonly cited that health authorities recommend breastfeeding exclusively for at least six months. The reason? Breast milk contains everything your baby need in all the right ratios – and, as previously mentioned, it changes according to your child’s needs. Like magic.

But, if that’s not possible, even feeding them the colostrum, produced by your body in the first days after birth, will give them a solid start. Colostrum helps your baby’s digestive tract to develop and is high protein, low in sugar and packed with nutritional goodies.

3. Breastfeeding may help to strengthen your child’s immune system

Certain studies suggest that, just as breast milk is full of nutrients, so it is also a great source of antibodies to help your baby fight off all the new viruses and bacteria he or she is about to encounter having entered the big wide world.

Essentially, when you are exposed to certain bacteria, your body produces antibodies to protect you – and some of these are secreted into your breast milk and passed onto baby.

4. Breastfeeding promotes a healthy weight for your child

According to German researchers, obesity is 15-30% lower in baby’s that are breastfed, with each month reducing their risk by around 4%.

It’s not completely understood as to why this is the case studies have suggested that breastfed babies have higher levels of fat-fighting gut bacteria and the hormone leptin, responsible for keeping snack-attacks at bay.

5. Breastfeeding can play a role in brain development

Breastmilk contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids which have been shown to play an important role in helping your baby’s brain to develop.

6. Breastfeeding can stop your child from being a fussy eater

As already mentioned, breastmilk changes constantly, adapting to meet you baby’s needs. This means that the flavour of breastmilk is also always changing. Whereas that of formula remains pretty much the same.

So, by the time it comes to weaning, a breastfed baby could be more used to different flavours, meaning they’ll be more comfortable around new tastes.

7. Breastfeeding saves time

So, this one is a winner for both you and baby. Not only do you not have to faff around sterilising bottles or mixing up formula, but your baby won’t have to wait for long until getting fed – a definite all-round bonus at 2.30am. And then again at 4am.

Plus, because you can breastfeed anywhere, you don’t need to worry about factoring in time to find somewhere to warm up bottles when out and about. Breast milk is always good to go.

For You

8. Breastfeeding could boost your mental health

Now this one is a bit of a catch 22. According to Australian researchers, breastfeeding can reduce your risk of developing postnatal depression – a type of depression, which occurs early after delivery and affects around one in 10 women in the UK. This is due to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which encourages bonding and promotes relaxation.

However, women who do experience postpartum depression are more likely to have trouble breastfeeding and stop early (so missing out on its mood-balancing benefits).

9. Breastfeeding may help out with birth control

Okay, so this is firmly not a 100% contraceptive method – and should never be used in isolation, if you do not want to get pregnant.

But breastfeeding can press pause on ovulation, which can be beneficial if you’re not wanting to get pregnant straightaway. Just remember, though, that this isn’t a 100% effective method of birth control. Just saying.

10. Breastfeeding can reduce your risk for certain diseases

Ovarian cancer and breast cancer being two, for starters. According to studies, women who breastfeed for more than 12 months of their life have a 28% lower risk of both cancers.

Then there’s its potent impact on blood pressure, arthritis, obesity and type 2 diabetes – you’ll have anywhere from a 10-50% lower risk of those health complaints if you breastfeed, according to research in the journal Pediatrics.

11. Breastfeeding can help your uterus to contract

Which is good because? During pregnancy, your uterus goes from being the size of an avocado to essentially filling your entire abdomen.

During labour, the body secretes the hormone oxytocin – this not only helps to get the baby out but post-delivery to shrink the uterus back to its original form. Breastfeeding also causes the release of oxytocin, which helps to speed this process, known as involution of the uterus, along.

12. Breastfeeding may help you lose weight

You’ll likely have far more important things on your mind when you’ve a day-old baby lying in your arms, natch. But for those mums out there who are looking to lose a little weight gained during pregnancy, know this: breastfeeding can increase fat burn and weight loss – particularly around the 3-6 month post-delivery stage, according to a study from the Louisiana State University.

13. Breastfeeding is #plasticfree

No packaging equals no plastic and no impact on the environment. Oh and no cost for your pocket, too.

7 tips to help you with breastfeeding

If you need a little help, here's some expert advice, courtesy of Eilis Mackie, Lead for Lactation and Infant Feeding at The Portland Hospital, part of HCA UK.

1/ Make sure you’re comfortable

'Something really important for mums when breastfeeding is something so simple, to make sure they are comfortable. If you relax beforehand and try and get into a position that you’re comfortable in, you can use a pillow to prop your arms and shoulders up in order to be relaxed when holding your baby, this can really help.

'It can also be helpful to have a special area in your house such as a special nursing chair or it could just be somewhere in your house that you find comfortable and enjoy sitting there. Just by using a familiar setting this can often help you to feel relaxed, making it much easier to breastfeed.'

2/ Latching on properly is essential

'Problems with latching are very common, but getting a good latch can reduce the chance of other problems occurring down the line. Make sure that your baby’s head and body are in a straight line, this will make it easier for them to swallow and helps them to feel safe and secure. Once you’re comfortable with the position, bring your baby towards your breast and allow them to latch on by themselves.

'Your baby’s nose should be in line with your nipple and their head slightly tilted as you bring them towards your breast. Your baby should finish the feed by themselves, usually by falling asleep.'

3/ Get to know your breasts

'We’re all different! If your worried about your breast size, type, reconstructions etc, see someone before the baby arrives to help things to get off to a good start. Worrying throughout your pregnancy will cause unnecessary stress, when a good old natter to your midwife or lactation consultant can help alleviate any angst.'

4/ Start off with the easy stuff first

'Early skin to skin straight away once your little bundle has arrived will encourage a huge surge of oxytocin which is needed to promote mothering and early suckling at the breast. This is also vital for milk supply and keeps both mother and baby calm and happy.'

5/ Speak to your midwife about colostrum harvesting

'You can harvest colostrum during pregnancy from 36 weeks pregnant. Harvesting your colostrum will be especially beneficial if your baby faces difficulties with feeding, or your baby is at increased risk of having a low blood sugar.'

6/ Try not to worry about your milk production

'Most women will have enough milk to feed their babies, the biggest misconception for women is they feel they don’t have enough milk. Try not to compare yourself to your friends, each mother and baby is unique and special.'

7/ Look out for other issues and catch them early:

'Women may experience common problems during breastfeeding that can cause them pain and discomfort or simply make breastfeeding harder than it should be. It’s vital to be aware of these common issues so you know when to seek help from a lactation specialist or doctor. Common issues that women may experience range from a blocked milk duct, mastitis, engorgement, sore or cracked nipples and tongue tie. Don’t suffer in silence – an expert can help you overcome these challenges.'

Where can I get help with breastfeeding?

If you're struggling with breastfeeding, know that there are places to turn to. The NHS advises you:

  • Talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP

  • Contact the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212 (9.30am to 9.30pm, daily)

  • Contact a local Sure Start Children's Centre or Family Information Service, as these often have lists of local breastfeeding groups and activities.

  • You can also search here, for breastfeeding support services

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