Claims Northumberland social housing tenants living in 'extremely poor' conditions
A councillor has claimed that social housing tenants in Northumberland are living in "extremely poor" conditions.
The comments were made by Berwick East's Independent councillor Georgina Hill at Wednesday's meeting of the county council. While a recent survey showed tenants of Northumberland County Council itself had the highest satisfaction levels of any local authority in the North East, Coun Hill raised specific concerns about tenants of housing associations.
Addressing the council's cabinet member for housing, Colin Horncastle, Coun Hill said she was aware of tenants who had been forced to leave their homes because of damp and mould. The Independent councillor questioned whether the council had processes in place to protect tenants.
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She said: "Does the council have any plans, processes or strategies in relation to the extremely poor condition which many social housing tenants are living in? I am talking about housing association tenants, not our own tenants that the council manages.
"Believe me, many are living in poor conditions. For example I know many housing association tenants that are having to be decanted from their homes because of awful damp, mould and properties being damaged.
"The housing associations are refusing to properly compensate for that. Do you think that we have enough mechanisms in place to hold housing associations to account?
"Don't you think it would be a good idea to have a separate scrutiny committee for housing? A lot of housing associations are getting away with blue murder."
Coun Horncastle said he was unable to answer the question at the time. He ensured Coun Hill that he would provide a written answer in the future.
He added: "A recent survey showed the council's tenants are the most satisfied tenants in the region. We recently volunteered to be a pilot for landlord inspection with the housing regulator.
"We take our landlord responsibilities very seriously. I think that's why we have the most satisfied tenants in the region."