Classic car drivers set to lose major 'perk' under Labour government

Classic car drivers set to lose major 'perk' under Labour government
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Classic cars are at risk of losing major safety benefits under new Labour Party government plans. Classic cars could risk losing their exemption from MOT checks after the public backed the proposed change in a Labour Party government consultation.

A Government response published in December indicated that "the majority of comments suggest that a new type of check is needed". Wayne Scott, speaking for the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, suggested one-off safety checks could be appropriate for classic cars following major rebuilds.

He told The Telegraph: "This may need to be a more in-depth inspection than the MOT, possibly including some degree of dismantling to permit full access to all parts of the vehicle.” He added that any inspection "should assess the vehicle with reference to the technical standards applicable when it was new."


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The Historic and Classic Vehicles Association disagreed with the need for new testing requirements. Dale Keller, HCVA chief executive, said most classic cars were "in the hands of enthusiasts and owners" who maintain their vehicles to high standards.

"There is plenty of specialist expertise available to maintain these vehicles for the enjoyment of generations to come," he said. He added: "We are not aware of any evidence that the trust placed in owners to maintain their specialist vehicles to a roadworthy standard is being abused."


You do not need to get an MOT if the vehicle was built or first registered more than 40 years ago or no ‘substantial changes’ have been made to the vehicle in the last 30 years, for example replacing the chassis, body, axles or engine to change the way the vehicle works

If you’re not sure if there have been any substantial changes you can either read the full guidance on MOT exemptions for historic vehicles or speak to a historic vehicle expert.