Claudia Winkleman reveals how The Traitors are chosen and it's not quite what you see

Claudia Winkleman
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Viewers were left on the edges of their seats - again - on Friday night as the last of the week's three episodes of The Traitors signed off on a cliff-hanger.

The hugely popular 'murder mystery' series, hosted by Claudia Winkleman, had fans on tenterhooks as the show's remaining traitors debated who to kill off next. Their decision, as usual, won't be revealed until the next episode on Wednesday, the first of the final three.

This, the third series of the BBC reality show - which sees 'Faithful' competitors tasked with rooting out those who are cast as 'Traitors' among them in a bid to bag a cash prize - is proving every bit as popular, with viewers enjoying a ringside seat as the action plays out, watching players pick from among them who to 'banish' and the Traitors selecting a nightly victim.


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Now, as the game of detection prepares to enter its final week in its Scottish castle setting, the big moment of which side wins soon will be revealed. Faithfuls need to banish all Traitors by the final episode in order to take the prize as, even if just one of their rivals remains, the Traitor will emerge as winner.

Adding an extra dimension to the game this year is the fact that next Friday's final will not reveal to the players whether those they banish are Faithful or Traitors so it makes for a nail-biting climax. And so far this season's pick of Traitors have been pretty much on top of the game.

So how are they picked in the first place? Viewers always watch the moment when - during a round table ceremony at the start of the series - Claudia secretly signals to the chosen few with a tap on the shoulder.


But it seems there's more to the decision than meets the eye. At the launch of each series, Claudia is seen in conversation with the contestants and she asks them if they would like to be a Faithful or a Traitor.

However their fate is not in her hands, reports the Bristol Post. The presenter revealed in an interview with Radio Times that it is not her decision who to cast in the role, as she explained the secret process.

She said: "It’s not down to me. There’s a group of us, including the brilliant producers and casting team.

"We go into a room and don’t leave until they’re chosen." And it seems that the players have control to a certain extent as they won't be cast as a Traitor if they really want to be a Faithful.

"If someone asks not to be a Traitor, they wouldn’t be picked," said Claudia. The 53-year-old also shared how she would feel being a contestant herself in the game.


"I think I’d prefer to be a Faithful but I genuinely have no idea if someone is lying to me. My 18-year-old told me she’d done all her homework for years."

The TV star has admitted that she has found the new series quite emotional too, saying she "couldn't stand someone leaving" - without naming who - and had cried after their banishment.

The last of the Traitors can be seen on BBC at 9pm on Wednesday and Thursday then the final will be screened at 8.30pm on Friday.