Clever app lets users see the exact location of perverts who send a ‘d*ck pic’

Pic Rex
Pic Rex

A new site may help to stop the alarmingly large number of men on the internet who harass women with unsolicited pictures of their genitals.

For women on many sites and chat services, the ‘d*ck pic’ is something they are subjected to constantly.

But one Swedish web designer, Per Axbom, believes he has the answer – a site which pinpoints the GPS coordinates where such pictures are taken.

Axbom suggests that victims could, for instance, send it to the sender’s family.

The site, ‘D*ck Pic Locator’ looks for coordinates embedded in pictures – something most smartphones do automatically.


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You simply upload a picture, and the site spits out the coordinates automatically.

Axbom said, ‘I combined my understanding of women being subjected to d*ck pics on a daily basis with my knowledge of what data is contained within many images today.

‘The D*ck Pic Locator is really just a service that has been waiting to happen.’