Co Antrim supermarket worker praised for empathetic first aid response to elderly customer

Erin Wharry demonstrated first aid empathy when an older customer fell at the Asda Ballyclare store
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

An Asda worker from Co Antrim has been hailed for saving the day for an elderly couple who were shopping in the store.

Erin Wharry, grocery section leader, who has worked at Asda Ballyclare for three years, was having a normal day until a first aid call came. She sprang into action and demonstrated kindness and empathy by assisting the elderly couple after the older gentleman became unsteady on his feet.

She recognised the couple for being regular customers at the Asda store and immediately sprang into action. After assessing the situation, Erin called for an ambulance as the man was falling in and out of consciousness after hitting his head.


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The ordeal was distressing for the man’s wife, so Erin stayed by her side and comforted her until the ambulance arrived. Her calm and professional approach not only addressed the immediate concerns but also offered much needed emotional support to the couple during a vulnerable moment. Erin’s actions represent the vital role of first aiders in public spaces.

Reflecting on the incident, Erin said: “I was just doing my job and what felt like the right thing to do. I knew my first aid training would help, and I wanted to make sure his wife felt supported too, as it was quite distressing for her.

“Thankfully, the customer was ok. They still come into the store regularly and it is great to be able to see them both doing well. Every time they visit, they both throw their arms round me for a hug, which means so much!”


Steven Henry, General Store Manager, Asda Ballyclare, added: “This is a great example of how Asda colleagues care for their customers, we are incredibly proud of Erin for stepping up and going above and beyond for our customers during a difficult moment. Her empathy, calmness and professionalism made a huge difference to them. Well done, Erin!”

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