Coastguard called to beach after 'bones' of dead creature found
The coastguard was called to a popular Merseyside beach after receiving reports of bones and clothes being found. HM Coastguard Southport confirmed its crews, along with HM Coastguard Crosby, were called to Formby beach at around 4.30pm following the alleged discovery.
When they arrived, the bones were identified as the remains of a seal and the clothes were found to be the hide of the seal. Two hours later teams were deployed again for a separate incident which involved helping to prepare the helicopter landing site at Aintree University Hospital.
Posting on social media, HM Coastguard Southport said: "1632hrs - Attended Formby beach along with HM Coastguard Crosby after a report of bones and clothing being found. The bones were identified as being the remains of a seal, and the clothes were the hide (or pelt).
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"1855hrs - The teams were redeployed to prepare the helicopter landing site (HLS) at Aintree for Rescue 936. A ‘foreign object debris’ (FOD) check was completed, and the site secured. 936 arrived and the team transferred the casualty to a waiting ambulance.
"This was the first time a few of our newer officers had completed practical helicopter operations, and is a process we are all required to be familiar with."
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