Competitive Eater Slams Down Grand Big Mac Meal in 66 Seconds

A New Zealander who specializes in devouring huge food challenges took on the Grand Big Mac Meal and devoured it in just over a minute.

Auckland-based competitive eater and model Nela Zisser can often be found making her way through outrageous food challenges.

In this speed challenge, Zisser attempted to beat a rival competitive eater’s record of 56 seconds for devouring the Grand Big Mac medium combo meal. While she didn’t achieve that, she was proud of her result, coming in at 66 seconds.

“I’m pretty stoked with that,” Zisser said after she completed the challenge.

Zisser’s YouTube account chronicles such food feats as wolfing down 10 Burger King Whoppers in 17 minutes, devouring a 1-kg burrito in just under 100 seconds, and consuming a 2.2-pound jar of Nutella in under four minutes. Credit: Nela Zisser via Storyful