Connor Burns' sold out Edinburgh Fringe show evacuated as 'cigarette sparks blaze in toilet'
An Edinburgh Fringe show was evacuated after a blaze broke out in the toilet of a venue as the star comedian issued a scathing rant against the smoker who is assumed to have started the fire.
The fire took place at Just the Tonic’s Nucleus building on the Pleasance during comedian Connor Burns' sell-out show ‘1994' on August 16 allegedly due to someone putting a cigarette out in a bin full of tissues.
Luckily the blaze was caught early enough to be extinguished before any major damage was done. Hundreds of gig-goers were quickly evacuated by staff.
Security staff had managed to extinguish the fire before the fire brigade arrived.
A replacement show for the affected show by Connor Burns has been arranged for 11pm on Saturday 17th August with ticket holders to the abandoned event given priority.
He wrote on Instagram: "A massive heartfelt f*** you to the selfish c*** that smoked in the toilet and ruined the show for 300 people and stopped a charity collection from happening!
"Hope the ciggy was worth it, you prize bellend."
Connor Burns said: “ I was gutted to lose my sold-out Friday night show which for the 3 minutes I was on stage was the funniest crowd a comedian could possibly want to have.
"Happily, everyone is ok and even better - I can add another show on Saturday 17th (today!) right after my evening one, so hopefully most of the folks who missed out on Friday might be able to come along.
"I’d say there’ll be fireworks to celebrate but, well…. You know…. Hope to see you all back there. And if you can’t make it along, maybe on my tour later this year.”
Darrell Martin, director of Just the Tonic said “What idiot goes into a toilet and has a sneaky fag and then puts it out in the tissue-filled bin in the cubicle… anyway… luckily no one was harmed, and not too much damage was done.
"I’m just so pleased it was dealt with so quickly by the team, especially the quick thinking of our venue manager Alice. I’d also like to thank other show producers for moving things around so we can offer Connor another slot because it’s such a good show and we don’t want disappointed people.”
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