Council slapped with 287 insurance claims in three months

A pothole in James Street, Stoke-on-Trent
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Cash-strapped Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been slapped with 287 insurance claims - in just three months. The latest data - covering the period between April and June - represents 40 per cent of the total number of insurance claims made in 2023/24.

Most of the 287 claims relate to vehicles damaged by potholes. It comes as the council has forked out £371,914 in insurance claims in the past four years.

Other claims relate to damage in council house fires. It comes as major fires have broken out on Beveridge Close and Henderson Grove, in Meir, in the first six months of 2024/25.

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A council officer told councillors: “Insurance claims are comprised mainly of potholes and housing. Insurance claims are very difficult to predict. I know they are taking measures in highways as part of insurance claims and the rationale for it is about the structure and the pattern for programme maintenance.

“We’ll certainly have to ask the departments and look at the number of potholes which have been done versus the claims to get an idea if that’s going to continue or not as a trend. I have to say they’re on the up nationally."

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