Coventry bus gate changes cause outrage as people say 'roadworks again, let's gridlock the city'

Warwick Road's bus gate was previously open for regular motorists to use during the festive period
-Credit: (Image: Coventry City Council)

Coventry Live readers have been discussing the recent announcement that the notorious Warwick Road bus gate in Coventry will be dismantled for good. As part of the new traffic strategy aimed at revamping the city centre landscape, the infamous bus gate is being shelved.

However, instead, there are plans afoot to set up an alternative bus gate along Greyfriars Road between the junctions of Sheriffs Orchard and Warwick Road. It comes as part of a new road layout which will see the roundabout removed and changes to the central reserve.

Coventry council said the move will help buses and cut the traffic using Greyfriars Road. The plans also include a new red route for the city centre and other changes to waiting restrictions which will hit more than 60 roads.

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Bus gates ban traffic other than buses, pedal cycles, hackney carriages and private hire vehicles. ANPR cameras enforce the rules and the fine for breaking them is £70, which can be reduced or increased depending on how long it takes to be paid.

A notice of the council's plans was published earlier this month, 8 August, and any objections must be made before next week, 29 August.

The situation has sparked a flurry of reactions from readers, who have taken to our comments section to vent their frustrations on the council's approach.

One reader, Buildercov looks at the overall transport picture: "Looks like preparation for the daftest light rail proposal ever seen. A train from Coventry Station to the old Ikea, 1 track, 1 train. I guess it will be quicker to walk!"

While Isitme? writes: "The City council are clueless about how to attract new investors into the centre and yet another hairbrained scheme to keep people out of the city is their answer. The monster raving looney party have better plans."

Bob247 isn't happy: "Roadworks again let's gridlock the city." Noel74 says: "I’m sure they’ll turn another place into a cash cow! Obviously."

Mikemi adds: "You mean someone has taken them to court over these stupid rules and council have lost for sure, no one would cancel this if it making money."

Undercoverkov writes: "I’ve been caught out once on the bus gate. I was actually unsure until now that it had been scrapped. It’s had a bin bag over the sign for months now.. I thought it was a new tactic by CCC to keep the £ rolling in"

Destroyedcountry asks: "Who is doing the transportation planning for Coventry? Never before have I witnessed such a mish mash of schemes and incompetence of planning for the long term."

Paulh122 queries: "Can I get my £60 fine back. Didn’t see the sign as I drove behind a double decker bus." Bellgreen adds: "Lots of local residents and tourists been caught out by cleverly located signage. Always got to be one know all to criticise!"

Piperman comments: "At peak times crawling along you can be what appears to be too close to car in front ..but behind a bus you could blot out half of Coventry let alone a no entry sign! Appeal."

Ijg writes: "Personally I never go inside of the ring road it’s financially to dangerous." CovMatt77 asks: "Just how much are these seemingly-constant road layout changes costing?"

DavidM replies: "I think the idea is they are designed to make a profit." Bulus says: "I have lived in Coventry most of my life but still find the constant changes to traffic rules especially around the centre confusing. We have to constantly read all the signs for the latest changes to make sure we're not caught out. It's not surprising many people avoid the centre, especially visitors to Coventry."

Silver Birch Tree believes: "If drivers read road signs though, no one will be caught. If signs are unclear as long as you provide evidence you will win an appeal."

So is this a good idea for the city or not? Please let us know in HERE or in the comments below.