Coventry school where opportunities are 'impressive' receives Ofsted praise
A special education school in Coventry where pupils are 'learning for today, preparing for tomorrow' has received praise from Ofsted. Pupils are said to 'thrive' and 'learn exceptionally well' at Kingsbury Academy on Kingsbury Road in Coundon.
Inspectors visited the school on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, and Wednesday, December 18. Following its previous inspection of 'requires improvement', the school received an 'Outstanding' Ofsted rating.
Pupils are taught how to communicate when they need help, with the school working with various agencies and charities to support pupils and families who need extra help. Staff also know pupils and their families very well and act quickly to support pupils when they become anxious and need help with their emotions.
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The school, with the trust's support, has developed a 'highly ambitious' curriculum suitable for all age groups. The content of each pathway has been carefully developed to ensure that pupils build knowledge and skills over time. The school also provides pupils with a range of wider experiences, which helps them interact and understand the world around them. As a result, pupils remember the knowledge and skills that have been taught in class.
Staff receive the knowledge and expertise they need to deliver the curriculum with precision. They consider pupils' specific interests to engage them in learning and work closely together to regularly check on pupils' learning. Pupils learn to use a range of communication systems in class and around the school, including pictures, objects, and symbols, to express their ideas and feelings. This focus on communication enables pupils to learn extremely well across the curriculum.
Kingsbury Academy places a strong emphasis on teaching pupils how to read. Pupils who are not yet ready to learn through a formal phonics programme are well supported. Pupils benefit from many games to practice sounds and read words. For example, reading sounds after they have moved their counter when playing snakes and ladders, and staff also use pictures and objects to engage pupils and develop a love of reading.
Adults uphold and reinforce the school's high expectations regarding pupil behaviour. They do so consistently so that pupils get the same messages, regardless of who is working with them. This is highly successful because the school ensures that behaviour is explicitly taught in a logical way, using effective communication strategies.
Inspectors added that the provision to support pupils' wider development is 'impressive'. The school has thought carefully about the wider opportunities, so pupils are well prepared for later life. Pupils also take part in visits to the local and wider area, such as local parks and the theatre, with all pupils encouraged to lead. The school also actively establishes connections with workplaces that promote and support individuals with communication needs. It advocates for autism in the workplace, aiming to ensure that pupils have career ambitions.
New leaders have invigorated the school. Staff very much value the school’s support for their workload and well-being. They are committed to the education of the pupils. The governors and the trust support the school extremely well in making sure that it continues to thrive.
To view the full Ofsted report and previous inspections at Kingsbury Academy, visit the Ofsted website for more.
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